i dont know if u guys tink its funny but pls stop atk raid group are u guys pussy or somting ?
again such topic
Well…you are from Argent Dawn, bet you don’t see alot of horde raid groups. Alliance on AD has a permanent 30% buff AND they have wm dominance. We are well aware that raid groups form on both sides…but alliance on AD need not reply to posts like these, they have no reason to do so, imo.
what has my realm have to do with this topic, with groupfinder you can go to other realms in WM, most of the time if i group up its on a non RP realm.
and i see enough horde groups on mechagon on my RP shard, even when the pvp events starts on nazjatar, most of the time my shard gets flooded with hordeplayers and i don’t think they are all from RP shards, i even see russians names.
so gonna say it again: everyone ganks lonely players when they are in group
If u want to complain about something like this, point out server you’re on atleast.
The one complaining isn’t from AD so this dosn’t really help
then stop fight fair allience pussy all know cant win fair fight
The way you type it, you don’t seem like a smart guy.
so still same ting just stop fight raid group fight fair
I wish it would work, but typing this on the forum wont work, would be better to explain whats going on, or just rage /w to the person that made the group and call him trash/pussy.
Yes…he is not, BUT you see, the thing is…i didnt reply to him.
But the thing is, why even type about it here?
Why wouldnt i ? I gave my opinion on raid groups in wpvp. That kinda is what the op was complaining about…
It’s good to kill solo players while you’re in a raid group, decrease the surplus population.
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