Allow changing talents in m+

we should be able to change talents in m+ once you get out of combat and be possible to do it just in one click.
Everything else is an absurd restriction that doesn’t add any depth to the game and expert players.
Everything else is a lazy approach from Blizz to not get things balanced.
You already have an increasing m+ difficulty so the restriction doesn’t make any sense.

So no one is pointing a gun on you to change them in the middle of a dungeon. They shouldn’t be restricted neither.
We already have a limited amount of points you can use in your talent tree. So it doesn’t make any sense.
As someone said in other post it only adds for mediocrity and lack of player choices.
Like releasing old dungeons from start of a new expansion it is only another excuse for Blizz. When it should be sth that is available together with all new stuff or on weekly basis.

I would prefer not. It would mean i have to change talents for every new pull/pack/boss. I dont think i would enjoy that.


Whats not balanced about everyone not being able to swap talents in an M+?

it’s not balanced because everyone always choose the best ones. Regardless of that how many times we have seen only one talent in a row be the best?

look everypost i see about this topic there is people like you complaining, what are you so afraid of? It looks like you are defending something. I barely believe that people that runs m+ is against it.

You can have a macro to change just in one click that’s the reason there are so many talent loadouts you can create, so you can create 50 loadouts and that seems to you logical and this idea no? what’s so difficult about it?

For me it would be useful and I get to extract the 100% out of my class every dungeon. Im surprised there are no more posts like this and i can tell you wouldn’t need to change more than 2 or 3 loadouts throughout a dungeon.
For packs usually you only need one and for st damage another one. it’s not sth so complex to analyse for a brain, and no one forces you to do it, it is up to you.

In the end it’s so pointless to have 50 talents loadouts if your class is unable to make full potential of these things, to me this is another mistake, if you brain cannot assimilate it is your problem

Where am i complaining? More looks like you are complaining.

I am not interested in pressing a macro between every pull. I am allowed to give my oppinion on a forum, don’t i? Thank you.

And no worries, my brain can handle that perfectly fine.

If they attach a timer to it then sure. Otherwise there is no downside.

The decision should be “is it worth the time it takes for the benefit I get?” no just clicking and go.

Why? They disallowed it for a good reason. It would be absolutely stupid switching between aoe and ST talents constantly.

You can still go out to switch talents but it comes at the cost of time.

100% this. Please Blizzard, let us just do whatever we want in a highly competitive end-game content. Swapping gear or talents in middle of the run? Easy peasy. Also, let us swap players too. Some people leave, some pugs are bad, out with the old, in with the new.

To be frank, I don’t know why do we want to restrict ourselves to out of combat. If the healer bites the dust, I should be just be able to swap to healer from damage in combat. Bring the player, remember?

Oh, now that my gears are turning, would be lovely if I could just relog to my main mid-run in combat. Would make things so much more complex and interesting.

Let’s go Zorro, the future is bright!

This is a dumb idea.

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You can basically spec swap once per dungeon atm with a time penalty of about 45 seconds to a minute by leaving, respeccing, and dungeon porting back. It’s done a lot in high level Brackenhides, as well as Tyrannical Azure Vault.

Being able to do it any more than that doesn’t seem particularly healthy.

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It might be an okay idea for premade groups, but I can already tell you this will lead to a miserable experience in pugs. I already regularly encounter tanks that take unnecessary risks for minimal time gain. I can’t wait to have people slow the run down because they want to swap talents for a certain pull under the guise of it being more efficient.


Yeah to be clear, the spec swapping in current high keys is only a thing when everyone is 100% on board and knows it’s going to happen.

Umm no there is a total loadout cap that i think is around 10 for your character.


If its available, people will feel forced to take advantage of it.

Good take! Variation in the meta for talent choices are important for the game not to turn stale correct.

Overall like the first guy pointed out, i dont want to swap talents every single pull and i can tell you that in my situation i would 100% do that if blizzard made it possible.

Like i have a talent that does buffs my 6 target cleave heavily and because trash packs often vary in the 2-8 target range, i would feel forced to swap my talents or risk losing 20% dps in a push key. No thank you.

And also in case you forget, cooldown talents cant be changed if they are “on cooldown” like big DPS cds so you could imagine the brainrot if thinking ahead like, if i pop cds here they will be on cd next pull so i cant swap that cd for another talent point.

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Its only the best because sheeps follows the shepherd’ sheeps aka players - shepherd aka streamers - if a streamers says that talent is a 1% dmg increase against the other talent that is 0.5% only ye then people take the 1 % talent wich is dumb but ye that IQ of the players. Why do u think some classes gets neglected to not be invited in keys. If a streamers say tomorrow survival is OP survival will be invited in high keys without a problem. Shadowlands season 3 and 4 was proof of it.

Except survival WAS op in seasons 3 and 4.

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Because it would be exteemly boring thing to implement.

If you allow talent change, the new “meta” would revolve around changing talents for every boss and every pull.

Not fun. So it does make sense.

And by the way, you can always change talents. Just walk out the door and back in. Its the “penalty” for doing it. And if you do something like that, it should be impactful enough to justify doing it.

And why not? Think of the alternatives :

  • They release all 8 dungeons in S1. So then S2 and S3 no new dungeons? Would you complain there?
  • They release all 8 dungeons in S1, and AGAIN in S2 and S3. Would you complain that you are seeing the same dungeons again and again?
  • They only release 4 dungeons in S1. You complain now?
  • They dont release old dungeons. Only 8 new ones and you will play them for 2 years non stop. Would you complain there?

Dunno man… you just wanna complain…

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Thats what i meant…

You said classes are OP only cause streamers say so, not cause the numbers say so.

In shadowlands survival numbers were off the charts and streamers pointed that out. Doing what experts say isnt a bad thing cause they are the ones that beta test, know how to do sims etc.

I think what you were trying to say was that people strictly follow the meta meaning only think that meta classes are even capable of doing good dmg and everything else sucks.

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I won’t mind if I am able to change them in a boss room only

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