Allow hide weapon on some classes

I get that some classes need to have a visible weapon because of class fantasy, like warriors, or rogues, but on other classes like priests, druids, shamans etc they dont use their weapon as a catalyst, their power or whatever comes from the character themselves.
So since windwalkers have an option to transmog their weapons into invisible fist weapons why cant some other classes have that too?


Honestly, I would like to either allow casters to hide their weapons or actually use them during casting.


Didnā€™t there used to be animation looooong time ago when you were still able to use wand for ā€œwandingā€? I have these faint memories of my character swinging the wand vigorously with stuff flying from it on oom situations. Anyways, i woul prefer caster animations actually using the weapons in the, how it is now just looks meeh.

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Wanding still exist, which is why we canā€™t mog wands into any other weapons.

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Are you kidding me? How have i missed this one! :exploding_head:

All classes*

I cant give you a ā€œlikeā€ as run out but good idea :slight_smile: i aprrove .

Invisible fists than can be visibly enchanted for everyone, and an option to hide weapons while sheathed.

Better yet, make more animations to fit the weapon, such as hunters

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That would be the best ! Like that bug with Legionā€™s arcane mages that made them cast spells while holding Aluneth. It was so damn coolā€¦

for me waving and flinging the staff around in your hands is a big no-no. Nothing and i mean nothing looks as dumb as that.

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My preference is quite opposite. It looks much cooler when you actually use your staff, when fireballs and lightning actually come from the tip of it when you swing it and point to your opponent, when aoe bursts around you when you hit it on the groundā€¦ Having staff just inactive while i throw things from my hands feels to me as stupid than warrior doing swings with sword hanging on the back. But thatā€™s my personal opinion of course. :smiley:


As a caster I would love a hide weapons options. Iā€™m so sick of having to wear an ugly stave on my back that does nothing but ruin most of my transmogs. :blush:


We do? I thought that was removed long agoā€¦

yeah iā€™d rather hide it than having it flying around you in your hands!

suprised that many likes it, i really dislike it. lol :face_vomiting: But how fun would everything be if everyone had the same taste.

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No its not removed, i can still transmog ā€˜ā€˜no weaponsā€™ā€™ on my monk.
Initiate Handwraps they are called

thatā€™s not the actual reason.

The reason is that wand is a ranged weapon and the rest are melee. Thatā€™s why you canā€™t mog wands.

Imagine shooting a beam out of a sword as a mage.

Actually even for rogues it would be nice, atleast for assassination and sub, to hide your daggers. But Iā€™m outlaw with fists, so I already do that

That would be so awesome. HAH SURPRISE LASER BEAM SWORD!