Allow questing in raid groups

Why is this not allowed? How many times you wait doing nothing while a warfront raid fills up and can’t do some world quests nearby? Is it game-breaking?

inb4 ‘‘but it will be exploited’’ -->> kick them or votekick them

No it’s not game breaking, Why would it be?

Its long been known you can’t quest while in a raid group.


Damn right! Tell it how it is…! Oh, wait, you are not actually talking about that. Sorry.

No, it would lead to a situation where on each and every questhub in the game there are people yelling “INV PLX FOR HUBQUESTS!”

I agree that it feels silly you cannot complete the wordlquest right in front of you just because you are grouped up with 29 other people standing in Boralus. But the price for that change would simply not be worth it, imho.

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Go play a game on your phone
watch a movie
log an alt
watch some adult content about people passionatly hugging eachother in weird positions using various tools and toys to make things more exciting for free on an adult content video website.
Read a book.
Watch Youtube video’s
Update your instagram
Visit the toilet
Do the dishes
Clean the kitchen
Finaly put those dirty clothes in the washing machine
Play with your pets
eat something

Just a few things you can do while you wait

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better than today’s join elite quest- leave- mentality

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