Allow us to re-enter rated pvp

This is seriously bad.
I’ve been disconnected while loading three times, losing 600 mmr in total

And just now would make my 4th ‘forced abandon’ of a rated pvp match losing a total of 800 rating despite getting disconnected by the game before the match even starts. Very cool.
So this time, I was waiting for the last 4 people to accept the queue to the bg, (4 times the queue popped and last people declined queue) and i take the portal to nazjtar for the summons from the depths, and the loading screen shows up for twin peaks (pvp map)
but oh… I load into nazjatar, and the green eye icon says “Twin Peaks” Locked. You are locked to this match until it finishes. And now I’ll get deserter and a lovely -200.

Why the hell can we not re-enter? I didn’t even get to enter!
I mean, look, i’ve got to grind my rating back again regardless, please just one simple change. I don’t think anyone who queues for rated pvp wants to disconnect under any circumstance. Someone disconnects and they’re not in the game at the end of the match? makes sense to penalize… but this is something so stupid. you can teleport into instances and other things, so why not this?

Bad enough with the random disconnects but like, a lot of the time you get the “disconnected” message so you have to restart wow completely to even log in again.