Allround ideal pets worth upgrading to 25?

For a minimum-effort rare pet battler who just wants a pet or two of every type that are generally better than others (if that is a thing), which ones (that are not extremely difficult to attain) do you recommend for that? Are there any that are consistently at least slightly superior? Or does judging that depend on in-depth knowledge how to use them?
Long ago I kept hearing the name “Anubisath Idol” for example, but dunno whether that was a temporary imbalance now fixed or such.

Or should I just go with rare 25ers of my choice and that’ll be fine as long as I pay attention to type-vs-type vulnerabilities?

depends on what you want to do. i guess you are looking for pets mostly used for world quests or pve in general.

there is a list over at xu-fu’s pet guides showing the most used pets in pve. since i can’t link stuff in here you’d have to find that yourself. the list is under Guides>Most Used Pets

p.s. anubisath idol is a dead meme

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P. S. Anubisath Idol is da O.G.!

p.s. :smudge:

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Anoobisad Idle?
(I called mine that.)

Interesting site.
Although I guess the most used pets might be determined by various factors.
I think I will stick to choosing pets that have damage boost against a class. Should be fine for my needs. (I got roughly 3 pets for every class at 25 due to an abundance of pet currency from missions, did lots of upgrading recently.)

Those are the pets most used in popular strategies to defeat tamers. And they are the best pets to have for that purpose. There are a couple of other specialised pets useful for capturing: Terrible Turnip and Snobold Runt for Weakening Blow, and Grumpy and other pets with Superbark.

PvP pets are a whole 'nother thang, but that is the list of pets I’d recommend to you.

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well…again it depends on what you’re going for. just going for increased damage by families won’t get you far, we’re not in MoP anymore.

yup, those pets will suffice in most fights nowadays outside of dungeons

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