We are a community of hardcore casual players looking to build a solid foundation both as a guild and a community on discord where you can easily find likeminded players for m+, raids and pvp.
As of today we are freshly started and have around 30 members in our discord ranging from irl friends to some of the best m+ players. The goal is to keep increasing our members and build a welcoming, helpfull and mostly active community for those who want to take the game seriously when they have time and not have any set times, dates and such. Therefor i like to call this a hardcore casual community where we can meet and connect with others instead of the LFG system and know that have a good and solid base of players ranging from all different types of exp willing to help and wanting to push for rating, achiv and more along those lines.
The discord is also features info channels and guild runs from raider io along with key progression, raid news, patchnotes, events and more.
If this sounds like the place for you feel free to shoot me a message and we will get you sorted! Either in the discord, guild or both depending on how your current situation looks.
Best regards,
Allt är Kiss - Chief in charge of stuff