Wow. Never have I seen such incompetence, stupidity and selfishness at once.
We were in Drustvar, trying to find horde to complete those quests just so we could get gear so we could do well in BGs (though the last BG I was into, was a disaster named Kotmogu, where horde immediately took 4 orbs (Kazzak premade), and a Kazzak DH almost one-shotted my 382 item level Shaman, which is like WHAT THE F, and it also appeared out of nowhere (with orb, so it wasn’t stealth). Normally I can at least DO something, but this time, nothing, just no chance for anything).
We happen to find a couple of horde, but suddenly there’s like 20 horde around us and 2 rogues gank us immediately. This gankatude continues again and again, smaller horde groups, like 2 monks gank me while 10 allies just run around aimlessly and eventually also get ganked one by one. No one helps each other.
What the heck, how can ally be this bad in world PvP?
We ganked lots of horde yesterday as ally group, so how come today, they are just moronic imbecils, running around, letting me get freely ganked by rogues and OP monks, that can, for some reason, keep up with my ghost dino form although I push them back with Thunderstorm (which doesn’t almost work anymore, because everyone seems to either be immune to it or fly right back, so this should be boosted) and use every trick in the book to escape. Just can’t.
Horde immediately focuses 5 or 10 players against 1, and there’s no chance to resurrect safely.
I get ganked about 7 times immediatley when I resurrect, although it looks like there are so many allies around and not that many horde, that it’s safe to resurrect. Reality proves otherwise.
Then we of course get to that disaster of a Kotmogu, where the DH just slices me a few times and I am immediately dead.
This game is pure hell, and I hope I can just stay away from it. It causes more aggravation, stress and anger than anything else in life - everything else is so harmonious and great by comparison. If it wasn’t for addiction, I wouldn’t even have played this long.