Alright this is it

How are multiboxers not permabanned?

Same guild on LFEU has been doing it for numerous times and :poop: has been done, like start owning up to your ToS Blizz and permaban them on the spot. Sickening cheating behavior it is, thought you cared about your integrity at this point.

DM me if you care to look who it is.

Multiboxing is not against the rules. There was a rule change yes, that only assisted MBing is which means the use of software/hardware to MB is but the act of MB itself isn’t.

Automation itself remains against the terms.

If you suspect anyone from doing any of these (not just MB) then you may report them ingame and Blizzard will take it from there. Organised harassment is not allowed.

Always thought multiboxers where a wild bunch

See quite a few in SOD tbh

You know your hardcore when your paying for several accounts.

Havent seen any that look like they are using any bot software etc I dont think though, they just tend to have a train of their other accounts following the main one.

My first time seeing them I thought they were bots too but after some research it was a legitimate (hardcore) player. I liked them dancing in a row too :stuck_out_tongue:

MB = more money, why would you want to ban them as a company? Sure they may do some bad stuff that is not illegal but who cares?! (spoiler: not them)
Some examples, I’m sure people will pile on

  • AFK in BG on the opposite faction, maybe even spy on calls to go for a certain objective
  • AFK in BG/RAID on the same faction to earn more loot for the same effort

I saw a tauren druid today in the Blackrock Event. Who was all casting, jumping, mounting etc. at the same time. Isn´t that a multiboxing software running in the background, which is against ToS?

I know you can run several accounts at the same time, but you have to tap between them, to control each character, which is deffently allowed.

Which has been a thing on the server I play. I’ve seen 3x5 multiboxers doing that within a 100-300ms window. As a reference if you know how hard a sealtwist without T1 6pc is on a paladin, then that is straightup impossible without those illegal modifications. You need to tab multiple times and start a cast everytime in PvP or PvE.

There’s absolutely no way that was not an automation, all casts were done in a 50-200ms window, no exceptions, even jumping around and mounting was perfectly in sync. Don’t defend blatant ToS violations for the love of god.

If they do anything at all to begin with, there’s probably more multiboxing on the US realms and nothing has been done. This isn’t even harassment, this is just calling out Blizz for their bad job regarding automated multiboxing.
I’ve and other people who I talk to have done our part and they simply do not care about doing their job, disgraceful as always.