Alter Time


I have just stated playing mage in PVP doing SOLO Q mainly

I feel like alter time needs to be rework a little. so many classer can remove my alt time and at no real risk Shaman, Warlock, priest, Demon hunter , hunter and mages but they don’t OOM so fast if they do I even tested this shaman and shadow priest can get 10 purges off while I can only get 5 off before we are both OOM

I m trying to play to play smart with it but the problem is you can’t I would love to be able to use it while stun so I could maybe so I could pop it blink away and then alt time back to get a little HP back

could be fun to have a pvp talent where if you dispel it the player is then has remove get a negative affect like an silence or disarm so they player has a to make a choice like a kiss/curse affect. like my team mates need to be able to kill the mage.

its so hard to play in Arana as a mage at the moment with shamans and hunter due to there burst and they is not much as mage I can do to stop there burst damage


dispells have alway been one of the easiest no risk counterplay lots of classes have vs mages, the fact that so many classes can b asically make your game miserable by hammering down their dispell keybind nonstop is crazy…

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