With the war renewed between The Alliance and Horde the factions have drawn their eyes northward into the old human kingdoms. Some clearly side with The Alliance, The Gilneans under King Greymane, The Stromic under Danath Trollbane, The Kul Tirans under Jaina Proudmoore and even rumours of the line of Menethil have began to spread. The Horde on the other hand have claimed men and women from almost every kingdom to their deathless banner and with the loss of Lordaeron have doubled down on their remaining strongholds and even turning to ones long abandoned. High in the mountains that cut through the kingdoms of old sit the ruins of Alterac, it’s legacy only remembered for betrayal and brigands. The Alteraci not sided with The Syndicate have scattered to the various corners of Azeroth though many have found home in The Grand Alliance of Stormwind living through insult and mistrust by many. Though as Alliance banners push deeper and deeper into Horde held territory the question of what will become of these mountains comes back around again.
IC information of The Talon:
The Eagle’s Talon is a new formed company of Alteraci loyal to The Alliance that seek not just to reclaim their home but also to find others of their kin and to see their people redeemed of the past actions of their treacherous king. For this they still wear the orange banner of their kingdom though have recoloured the eagle sigil of their home to a snow white colour to show their loyalty for their home but also their wish for separation from their king’s actions. Their white eagle banner can be seen often fluttering about many fronts across The Alliance’s war.
Given the ruined state of their home and also the now heavy presence of Horde there, The Talon have adapted heavily to survival and skirmishing tactics against their enemies and are comprised largely of skilled trackers, hunters, tamers, climbers and marksmen.
Guild Structure:
Ranger Captain (GM)
The Captain is the leader of The Talon and gives the company direction on where it should go and what it should be doing, they are responsible for the overall running of the company.
Second (Officer)
The Company’s Second is second only to The Captain themselves, they are most often delegated tasks though are trusted to take matters to their own hands when The Captain isn’t around.
Supply Officer (Officer)
The Supply Officer is not a combat role, they mostly remain in areas of trade to ensure that The Company is supplied with what they need and direct messages to those that need them across large distances.
Ranger (Member)
Rangers are those that have proven themselves both loyal and capable to the cause, they are the ones that will mainly represent The Talon in areas of conflict and are tasked with taking those aspiring to join The Talon under their wing for mentoring.
Apprentice (Recruit)
Each that join The Eagle’s Talon start as an Apprentice, here they are judged on their ability and will be assigned to a ranger to learn from.
Mercenary (Hired Hands)
Due to the small number of Alteraci The Talon will sometimes hire on aid for specific periods or conflicts, they do not have to be Alteraci themselves but they are only chosen by The Captain themselves to ensure they can be trusted.
…They’re OOC?
OOC Infomation
The Talon is an Alteraci themed guild, we don’t claim ownership of Alterac OOCly though our characters do feel responsible for the land and will do what they see as needed to keep their home free from undead, demons or any that threaten it or what is left of their people. Hillsbrad and specifically Alterac is where you’ll mainly find The Talon though due to the goal of seeking to improve the reputation of their people they deploy to areas across the world to fight in The Alliance’s wars. For this we not only conduct RP on our own but often partner with other guilds for larger events both for regular RP and for RP-PvP.
The guild has tried to keep a small rules list however they are still expected to be followed.
- Metagaming, Power emoting and griefing RP is a big no, especially if it effects other guilds.
- Griefing RP-PvP or purposefully breaking the set rules such as banned abilities will be dealt with harshly.
- ERP happens on the server and many see it differently, if you’re caught out with proof then you’re out. Keep it to yourselves.
- Don’t bring needless drama on your guild mates, got a problem with somebody? Take it up with them in private and don’t expect us to ignore people because of your personal vendettas.
So, you’re interested in joining? Feel free to come find us in-game for some rp and if your character fits then we’ll be glad to have you with us!