So i was thinking this for some time now and no idea if this is said before but i believe we are experiencing an alternate versions of first 6 expansions. Here is how
We all thought Draenor was an alternate timeline and we returned to our time back with Legion. But what actually happened is, when Gul’dan went through portal lore is resetted and started a new cycle. Expansion main themes are same but slightly different versions.
Legion = TBC
They switched order here but doesn’t matter. TBC and Legion are both all about İllidan, demons and invading one of the base of operations of the Legion. And we help withered people to take they city back. Also kill a power hungry guy that tries to summon a legion leader. And
war between factions. Waking a sleeping threat, killing the old God after raiding old Egyptian cities. There can be more my classic lore knowledge not complete
SL = WotLK
İ guess no need to say much about this. Lich king kelthuzad Uther. Death magic. Titan facilities mournblade a betrayer ruler loken to thorim (Denathrius to others)… And it is pretty weird to me to general acceptance WotLK is the best expansion while SL is the worst
And of course DF = Cata
At start dealing with elements then going after Deathwing’s experiments ( or his lab this time)…
Probably there is even more things we can find like that but for me this is a pretty clear pattern.
I have no information whatsoever about next expansion right now but I’m pretty sure it is gonna be some uncharted land we have never heard before. İt is gonna be about a race we either heard just few mentions of it or not at all. Even can be about pandas and Sha ysharj or another old God that corrupted a leader. Maybe it is already among us but we don’t know. We gonna see about it but I’m pretty sure it is gonna be very similar to MoP