<Alternatives> - Friday AotC Raiding Guild LFM


Friday night (20:30 - 22:30) HC guild LF DPS for 10.2

Longer version
Alternatives was formed to facilitate organised raids for players who are unable to raid weekdays due to work or social commitments. We’re raiding Friday evening and non-compulsory M+ throughout the week this allows our members to concentrate on “real life” whilst also completing Azeroth based challenges!

Our raiding goals:

• To clear HC mode and get AOTC
• Provide a fun and relaxed raiding environment.

We’ve done it every single tier since 2012!

Whilst we have modest raiding goals, our preparation and attitude in achieving these goals is professional. We believe this is the true meaning of casual raiding; commitment, preparation and focus but with an understanding that “real life” is important too.

  • Our raid time is Friday; 20.30-23.30 ST. With optional Mythic+ on Wednesday evenings.
  • We ask for attendance in the 75% range
  • We are friendly, polite and mature and hope you are too!
  • Alternatives is an English speaking guild

Our current progress is 9/9 NM, 9/9 HC

We’re currently looking for DPS to complete our roster.

Apply via our discord: discord[dot]gg/VAuRS9d

Looking for a Tank and some DPS to fill our roster!

Good evening there, you raid only 1 time per week?

Yes, just on the Friday evening.

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