Always enemy healer first on Gladius/Sarenaa

Hi guys,
I’m playing Rdruid and I have Arena1 - Arena2- Arena3 macros.
I can set the enemy healer Gladius spot as Arena1 ?
Always on the first spot

no you cant.its always random on server side or something.

I think theres an addon called framesort iirc that lets you sort who is 1, 2, 3 each match

not for arena 123 macros

It should have been really comfortable

I mean you can just do what I do, use arena 1 2 3 macros, for me its R, shift+R and ctrl +R respectively, but unless the team has 3 casters on it I just move it around so if its healer and 2 melee for example, if the healer is arena 3 i just move my arena 3 macro to the R keybind since ctrl+R isnt that comfortable for me.

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