Alysrazor bugged spawn solution (for me)

Hello guys ! So today like many others ive came accross the Alysrazor bug spawn… After reading a post ive seen on this forum ive tried the solution where you need to kill your character for the boss to reset then click on the feather ect… But after over 20 atempts this method was not working for me so i tried something else. So heres what i did : I tried to go as close as possible to the Alysrazor spawn BEFORE killing Majordomo Staghelm then stand there and killed him. Atfer that when my character was free to move again from the roots, ive run towards Alysrazor and it worked ! Ive done it 2 times in a row without any issues. So yh maybe my solution will work for you too :slight_smile: Tell me in the responses and GL !

As an evoker or DH you can jump around the pool where she ends up bugged and throw a range skill to kill her

Just tried this out after banging my head against a wall yesterday and it worked first try for me. Thank you for the tip! The feather method also didnt work for me so I’m glad you found something that did.

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