Am I alone?

Hi there,

In a fit of nostalgia I decided everything was better when dad was a kid. The best time in wow for me was RP’ing and exploring the Azeroth (and Outland) back in TBC and WotLK, and I now wanted to recreate that feeling.

I have started an Orc Shaman on this server, but now I’m wondering: “am I alone in this world? Or are there any other relaxed RP’ers on the Horde side here?”

Best regards
Marouk (Hydraxian Waterlords)


At the moment, eveything is a bit difficult. Maybe there will be far more people on HW, if/when the German RP-Server Celebras will be closed. They want us to change to HW, but we fight for Celebras. Long story…

Here you can read more: Burning Crusade Classic Realm Consolidation August 10 - #436 by Malou-celebras

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Most people from germany (Celebras) probably won’t move.
I wouldn’t expect many RP player from Celebras moving to Hydraxian Waterlords.
The language barrier is too high

But in the thread Berophar linked there is a tauren, „Vanillataur“.
He is active on horde (Hydraxian Waterlords)
Try to reach him, he will be probably able to help you :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: the Celebras player would probably roleplay in german anyway. :see_no_evil:

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Sorry to let you down. Vanillataur is my Forum alias. You won’t ever find him in-game and he’s on the Era server Nethergarde Keep to boot.

I thought he might join us there and try to reach you there :wink:

Hope he found someone…

I know, that some players from Cele created twinks already to check HW, so maybe he found someone.

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I DO play on HW - only a warning no to be looking for Vanillataur there :wink:


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