Am I crazy?

I like the dedication. In how many characters you do progress ? Like legendary, raids and all that jazz?

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Atm and its hard work

Nelf hunter
Nelf druid
Human paladin
Worgen lock

All different covens . All have 1 max legey .
Main is 10/10 lfr/norm/herioc complete and 1/10 mythic atm she is 219 item level .
Druid pala and lock 200 item level and just do lfr for mog if i have time and low keys to help friends.

Atm i have calmed down playing alts as its not as fun as previous expacs.

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So far I have this warrior as main that I do the raid progress and rated pvp. And I play a frost dk as well 200 ilvl cleared normal raid and I will start heroic soon.

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Good luck in herioc fun raid .
I havent done much pvp as i am really bad at it but it is fun with friends.

The reason of my thread was to make another dk to be only blood since I like tanking but I did many ups and downs with legendaries and all that with my warrior and I wouldnt want to make the same mistakes with my dk

I say go for it leveling is quick and tanks are always needed and you seem really nice to be around and talk to which is a bonus for groups.


Thank you. I probably will make another dk :slight_smile:


I have four of every class except DH. As for my reasoning - I levelled many of them for heritage armor/to learn the classes as I levelled/to pass the time when the covid lockdown first started and I was sick of BfA content, and just ended up keeping them afterwards, using them to experiment with specs Iā€™d never tried before and such. Itā€™s nice because it means if I get bored of one character but not the class I can switch to something else for a while. If you want to really spice things up - I have different legendaries and conduits on some of those characters, or in some cases no legendaries at all yet. Itā€™s fascinating how differently they all perform. Itā€™s an amazing way to give you a fresh experience when youā€™re tired of the same old stuff.

Also, having a good chunk of alts for mount farming is nice too. I do try to keep them to their preferred spec, as Iā€™ll gear them for that spec. Makes it easier to play what you want, when you want. The only downside is keeping them all equally geared, but itā€™s entirely up to you how much you want to do that. The world is your oyster, and Blizzard gives you 50 character slots - way I see it, youā€™re as well using them!

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Iā€™ve never done it since gearing two characters to a level where Iā€™m satisfied with them is already hard enough, and I definitely wouldnā€™t want to be playing essentially the same character with minor differences. But I know a lot of PvPā€™ers have done this and other high level min-maxers who want to be able to swap between characters smoothly if something changes (read: covenants).

Pretty sure I have one of every class for alliance and horde. So I have 2 Hunters that are 50+

Itā€™s not crazy. Itā€™s the consequence of buildng this stupid covenant system and making it a fixed choice for player power.

Youā€™re doing fine.

yeah for me it didnt make sense in BFA which gearing was easier but here with the Great Vault system and the Covenants it makes me think of it more and more.
Example for Fury/Arms warrior pve you want Venthyr while for Protection Kyrian for the spear.
I hate that borrowed power stuff

Am i the only one that donā€™t level alt cuz im sick of repeting the maw, covenant campaign and farming torghast on more than one?

Huh I thought Iā€™m crazy having 43 characters, now Iā€™m at ease, cos i donā€™t have 50 to be crazy.
Seriously, why do you care about others? It is your game.

Not that crazy, though it isnā€™t as needed this expansion compared to BFA.

And sometimes i just want a character with a specific theme such as my ā€œholy fireā€ destruction warlock.

yes 10 osfbgĆ“Ć¹sdf

Do you have any idea how much it costs to change your hairstyle on your character?!
You would be insane not to have a character for every single style and color variationā€¦ Character limit is a bummer.

Iā€™d suggest bearing in mind thatā€¦

  1. Gear is scarce. Itā€™s slow to get a character up to 210+
  2. Primary stat >>> secondary. Decent ilvl gear is still very useful for other specs even if itā€™s not BiS.

I for one would not want to wade through the dungeon/raid grind again to get a second character to the same ilvl as my main, just to take specialise it in dps instead of healing.

Once they reach the same ilvl, and both are high enough that only the vault can provide an upgrade; thereā€™s some argument for that in terms of time passing you can get them stronger, faster, because you start picking the perfect secondary stats.

But the slog to get two characters to this position is high, and in terms of hours invested, itā€™s not efficient.

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