Am I just bad...?

Hello there, fellow Death Knight connoisseurs,

so I have a big big problem and that is that I feel completely bad at playing my Unholy Spec in TWW. That wasnt a problem until now. I always used to play Unholy as the DK came out and loved the mechanic behind the gameplay. Some how this changed in TWW. I do low as DPS, even though I copied of from several players with high rating in M+. But it didnt change significantly. my current spec load out can be seen on my profile.
I used to play competitive but now in TWW the funs over.
Am I bad or has the class changed so drastical in TWW?

If someone can give me advises, I am open for (constructive) critics.

Suffer well, fellows.

Death Knight Connoisseur? Hmmm I guess I’ll see myself out sorry…

Seriously now, had a quick look at your profile, haven’t obviously looked for logs or anything of the sort nor am I some sort of DK top dog.

The build you play works a lot better on larger pulls in higher keys. I will easily do top damage on a +11 with a planned route, but just about beat the tank sometimes on a +8 fast crest farm. Everything just dies to quickly before you get to start popping wounds.

So generally, you’ll struggle to do big damage on lower keys as stuff just dies too quickly.

In an ideal scenario do consider these points though:

Popping wounds is a higher priority than using epidemic. You will often find yourself overcapping RP, but the damage is worth it. Essentially you use Epidemic if all your runes are on cooldown and you got RP to spend.

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As mentioned above, it is the key: You will more likely do top damage with a planned route. You are likely to be bottom DPS without.

UDK is not Retribution, it requires that level above of teamwork and planning to get the max out of it. Pullsizes and patterns matter.

Now, I would highly recommend VODing your keys and log them, then take that to your class discord and ask for feedback there.

WoW forums are generally speaking quite untouched by most players - and the dedicated spec players are usually found on their class discords. Don’t be afraid to ask there. As 80% of the people there are understanding and helpful. Just please dont forget; they might come at you hard - meaning well - yet it can roughen your feathers quite a bit if you are not used to actual criticism.

Forgive them for their harsh wording of truths, often it springs from answering the same problems over and over - often to people who then deny said truth and spit back into their face. It makes it hard to always twist words into a overly positive tune. Just know that the words themselves are meant well, even if they don’t come off to be so in tone.

Either way, I wish you a happy day and even better coming week! :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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Considered trying out frost for m+? Its the superior of the two as of now

I just want to quickly add in: Unholy in premade groups are currently doing just as well as FDK. As that enviroment allows you to play to its strengths of insane DPS in preplanned and setup pulls.

FDK is easier and more forgiving; as it requires less homework.

Yet, don’t feel pressured to go from UDK to FDK, as UDK is also a top tier spec. Just less popular in mass.
As of when I wrote this:
UDK is sitting at 5th place on overall ranking in +19s.
So saying FDK is superior, when UDK shares placement with it at the top level seems scuffed. Especially since UDKs rise has been sudden and only strengthened as their DPS profile just becomes stronger the higher you go.

Just keep in mind this: UDK requires more pieces to fall into place than frost. So if you are PuGing, Frost could be the better option arguably. Yet, if you prefer UDK, know that it is literally one of the best specs in the game for the high content.


thank you all for your feedbacks.

To answer to all of you, I will consider maybe try to find a build, that works in lower keys aswell.

to the quesion of playing Frost: I dont have the one handed weapons yet and cant craft any right now so that falls off, and two handed frost isnt really viable right now I have the feeling.

Thank you all again for answering.


Is it always though? Unholy has more alternatives outside of burst windows, and/or if you mistime something.

Frost difficulty also depends on playing with or without BOS.

Unholy cant be classified as particullary difficult - Different playstile with more buttons, yes.

Makes sense, something like +19 allows a spec like unholy to shine more given things die faster - or just demands more coordination/skill form the group to die fast enough.

How relevant is +19s for the community in general though?

A simpler build would be this one here, that’s much less about popping wounds and more about keeping disease up and always using your Sudden Doom procs. At higher keys it can’t keep up with the Festercythe builds, but on quicker and simpler content it does ok. You essentially make sure you always got a Magus up so you get more passive cleaving.


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No class in this game can be called particularly difficult. Be it’s Augmentation having to minmax and oversee their teams CD usage, or a Retribution pressing his rotation - they are both not difficult to do. Both are abilities that most people can master given the time and effort required. Not to mention there is more a perception change of what is than anything. Both are pressing their buttons at the right time in essence. The true difficulty in this game comes when you start minmaxing the gameplay as a whole. Not only your performance, but how it interacts with your team. So when I refer to easier, it is ease of use, or simply - the less impact the action got on multiple elements, the better.

If you feel offended by me calling it easy, I am sorry. My intention is not to dissmiss the difficulty that is playing the spec correctly and efficiently. My opinion is tightly connected to the statement written as a whole. So in this case it was in relation to the strengths and content mentioned.

My point was never to lessen FDKs, but to prop unholy up, as I do wholeheartedly disagree with your statement of: Frost being the superior of the two as of now.

That based on performance metrics and individual situation. Both that I put forth my opinions about.

To the question of how relevant the Meta is for +19s? Just as relevant as bringing a FDK over a UDK in a +10. The lower you go, the less it matters at all. I will even go as far as if you are doing content around the +2 to +16 range, anything really goes. You can bring 4 rets and a protpally. You can bring 3 Fury Warriors. What matters at that level is less what the minmax potential of the class and spec is, but the players individual ability to play the content. Mind I am not saying there isn’t an optimal comp to do the task. What I am saying is that the comp at this level of play got low impact comparably to individual player skill.

For the community, Meta really shouldn’t matter. Fun should matter. As lack of a meta build is not what is going to hold the majority back in any way. Sure, you could go to the extreme and argue; you saying you can bring 5 healers! lolol - that is not what I am saying. Within the basic structure of how M+ is played, anything goes, and even that is quite flexible going outside its rules.

So to me, saying ‘go FDK as it is superior’ holds little to no weight. I almost kind of resent the sentiment. As it holds little to no merit for how the game functions or how OP should interact with it. To say FDK is more forgiving for how it performs within a PuG is fair to point out. To say it is ‘the better pick in all ways’ is not necessary true.

From that I let the reader form their own opinion on what they prefer to value.

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By no means, you were not wrong. But UHDK (Im not adressing something you said in particular) has gotten itself an undeserved reputation as a complex spec to play in pve content.

UH DK will continue to be a lesser BM hunter and lesser AFFLI warlock with double the knowledge and button presses requried both both affli lock and BM hunter combined to even break even with them.

Unholy’s design has been utter borked since the legion redesign, sometimes it has worked but majority patches it has been a mess, i didnt play it in legion until second last patch forward, and then it felt really fun, your diseases rivaled an afflilock’s, your pets shredd people alike BM.

someone at blizzard didnt like that, and put a post-it, note to never allow unholy to excel in any field again…until you overpull in m+ where epidemic can scale outside blizzards power to contain it.

am i bitter and angry? yes.
i dont even play unholy much, Frost’s my spec always. And frosts problems aside, im tired of seeing the people that sticks with unholy having to play tjhaickovskys sympony n2 at 20 button presses per second alike a Piano savant to even keep up with the brainless affli and BM hunters that need one or two buttons to do to the same effect.

No, you are not bad, welcome to DK.

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