Am I losing conquest points?

Hi all,
I am capped this week but I still keep doing bgs and I see on my screen that I get new conquest points. Are these points getting lost at the end?


Yes. If you’re capped you’ll no longer receive points until you next hand in.

You can cap as many times you want per week. For example today is wednesday. You do a invasion+chest= 110 conquest, you do a brawl+random bg+random epic bg=145 conquest. Next day you repeat the process, voila 500 conquest. You hand the quest and the conquest bar resets again. You repeat again the process above in the next 2 days, again 500 conquest.
Max i did was 2 turn in, in a single week. I almost managed to do the third, but i lost 3 consecutives BG’s and i needed to go work (night shift) and server reseted.
I think the max possible number of caps per week is around 4 caps. But if you do 24/24 only BG’s you could increase at 5-6 caps per week.

Incorrect. If you have been capping it every week, or have caught up, you can only do one conquest bar per week, and excess cp is lost.

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Then how i submitted the conquest quest 2 times in the same week? And i did the cap every week since BFA started. Especially that now in BFA its easier, because of invasions+chests.

My bar is greyed out when I cap the week. The latest reward is hands / wrist 400 item, so you can keep capping until you get that reward.

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You weren’t caught up. Simple as. If you’re on the current week its impossible to go beyond the 500 pts but if you’re catching up you can hand in multiple times per week.


You clearly didn’t, at least not since the start of s2. The reward-schedule is known. Once you received this week’s reward you cannot “store” more CP till next reset.


Season 2 didnt started with patch 8.1.5? If it started earlier, than apologize for my confusion. Because i capped conquest at the start of 8.1.5 till now.

22nd of January ^^ so somewhere inbetween 8.1 and 8.1.5.

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