Am i meant to just stand

at my work bench and pray that people place a work order that i can hopefully do before someone else takes it on in order to level my profession?

I’m on a low pop realm. I have yet to see an order. I do use it to get stuff crafted by others for myself and they are always done within minutes. Blizz is going to reduce the number of orders you can take to 4/day from 20, so that might distribute the work a bit more evenly.

I still have the quest for it too, of course. Now, if I was a bit more social and joined a guild or asked a friend (I have some of those still on the realm), I could probably arrange it so someone would order bags or whatever…

But yeah, I saved tons of gold by having stuff crafted instead of buying from the AH. Just items with no quality variations.

I considered buying recipes on the AH to add more variety to what i can make but that will cost me about 600k in total on my server…

You could try spamming Trade chat.

But I agree. There should be alternative routes for levelling your professions. Just like how Blacksmiths have a hammer they can use to level up 60-100 (although its very expensive).

Untill they change professions so that every craft yuo can make have like 24-48 h CD then 1 Crafter is enought to satisfay demand for entire full server

You have other options:
Community members who dont use their sparks in their own crafts (cause they cant likely)
Guild members who dont use their sparks in their own crafts (cause they cant likely)
Friends who dont use their sparks in their own crafts (cause they cant likely)

Public orders are also dead because blizzard forces the customer to provide all mats.
Inb4 theyre not dead they just get completed too fast for any work orders to be visible;
That just means that the customer to crafter ratio is unhealthy enough that in the real world we would call this market oversaturation which means, you guessed it;
Its dead.

I’ve made 2 primal molten gears, 2 for randos and working on enough chaos for the helm on my alt to unlock the transmog helm.
Theres also a limited amount of sparks available now, I wont start workordering crafted jewelry items until I made all i can for blacksmithing for example.

‘No’ is the answer, because you waste your time, I have never seen a single order appear.

I would imagine the orders for highest quality items will require some negotiation between buyer/crafter regarding materials/quality/commission and this will take place outside the crafting system. Once all is agreed, then a personal order would be placed.

Most items will never appear because it’s easier and cheaper just to buy on the AH.

I beg to differ on the “it’s cheaper on the AH”. For skill-up items, it’s definitely cheaper to get them from the AH, but next time you’re buying something that costs more than 1k in the AH, check the combined materials cost and consider using a public order. It has worked really well for me.

I do the weekly tailoring quest by having my Evoker alt request my main that I made 3 bolts of Wildercloth. Pathetic.

Materials are hardly the problem, but rather that you can’t set quality/rank requirements.

The other huge issue is, and I mentioned this before , is that even if you are fully specced, geared etc., you cant guarantee R5 crafts at the highest level (418 with embelishment and missive) and are forced to roll the Inspiration roulette until the game decides that you can actually make that stuff. Sure, 3 ilvl difference is not much, but still, it’s annoying, and literally all we need is like 10-15 skill points, instead of the +10 Inspiration/Resourcefulness milestones we could get skill bonus but no, roll the dice because thats how craftmanship works…
and yes, I do the weekly fulfill X crafting orders by ordering them with my alt too…

OK Tiga, perhaps you could give an example, just out of curiosity. If I were looking for something that had different quality levels then I would want to know exactly what I was going to get.

Something that might save 1k, for example, by buying my own materials and placing a public order, just not worth the hassle.

Zapthrottle soul inhaler is around 13-15k in the AH on my realm, has no quality variations and the materials were 3k or something?

I also had sturdy shovels and some other stuff like that made this way. I don’t remember the exact savings, but the items seemed overpriced in the AH and the public crafting order took less than 10 minutes.

Maybe an even better example that I didn’t think of right away, because I can craft them myself: Azureweave Expedition Pack AH price is about 8800g on my realm. Material cost from AH is under 3000g. So, yes…it’s overpriced on the AH and they probably almost never sell, but when they do, the profit is large enough so that the AH fees don’t matter. If you’re a buyer though, you should definitely use crafting orders and even with a hefty tip and fees, you’ll save 4000g.

I see. I suppose there are odd things, the Zapper is a bit niche since it’s for jewelcrafters, that would save some gold. Bags are a nonsense, the Azureweave 34 slots are 4580g on Aerie Peak, whereas Wildercloth 32 slots are 64g, would anyone in their right mind pay over 18000g for an extra 8 slots (4 bags)? Yes, I know plenty do, but not me, I have a tailor anyway.

I still think the new crafting system is a dud.

Maybe it’s a small/dead realm problem. Selling/buying stuff in the AH on Khadgar/Bloodhoof is pretty bad unless it’s considered a reagent and of course then you’re in the region-wide market. I’m loving that part of the AH and wish they would expand the selection or at least merge the auction houses of smaller population realms to make things a bit more healthy.

I just found out about draconic contracts too. Those are BoP, so you have to use the craft order system. Great for inscriptionists who just want to get the weekly quest done without using alts. I placed a public order and got the contracts 5 minutes later - even on a low pop realm like this.

I made one of the bags to get the first craft, tried selling it just to see if there was a market (of course not) and then used it myself. Not making more for now, because as you said, the cost is a bit high right now considering the benefit of two extra slots.

Anyone wanting to have Mantle of the Blue tailored shoulders (BiS for frost mages at least) crafted needs a Zapthrottle SI. I imagine there are other crafted items that also indirectly need a zapper, so it’s not just JC.

I probably create above 1k public orders in this expansion. And I may have made more gold from them then from my leatherworking profession itself.

Bags, Zapthrottle, shovels, regal bardings and the green pvp items. All had a hefty margin over the last 2 months at some point. and all of them are nearly risk free with the public order system. quality doesn’t matter are get back as rank 5 anyway (green pvp items). I guess there are plenty of other areas, but I usually only look for the parts that I understand (e.g. used myself at some point).

If more people would use the public order system to actually create them instead of wondering why there aren’t any, we would have a healthy system, and not all 10g commission bits would be picked up in minutes. It is a bit silly to get sturdy shovels crafted as public order, but as long as it is cheaper …

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