Am I the only one, or is Shadowlands story very similar to the story of ESO?

Ok after spending some time in ESO, i started to feel like SL story and original ESO story are quite similar.

  1. In both stories we fight some demigod creature whom sphere of influence is Domination. Jailer and Molag Bal.
  2. Both of them have their own plane of existence - Maw and Coldharbour.
  3. Both locations are barren wastelands where stone and metal are main materials that are used for all structures.
  4. Chains, cages and other symbols of restriction are a large part of the overall theme of zones and Antagonists.
  5. Both Antagonists had a henchman who had a heavy emphasis in necromancy - Sylvanas and Mannimarco.
  6. Both henchmen have big royal titles - Banshee QUEEN and KING of the worms.
  7. Both henchmen betray their master at some point of the story.
  8. In both stories henchmen used powerful artifacts to break the “veil” between worlds - Helm of Domination and Amulet of Kings.

And after all of that, I must say that despite some issues in ESO, it handled its story better than WoW with Shadowlands.

Art of ESO.

Art of SL.


I don’t know the ESO story, but it’s certianly possible that the Devs took theor inspiration from there. Most of WoW is in some way derivative of other worlds and stories, with Warhammer being the most obvious one, so there is no reason to rule ESO out.

That said… neither powerful villains that want to dominate, nor other planes of existence, nor hellscapes, nor villains being associated with instruments of torture, nor necromancy, nor royalty, nor turning henchmen nor the henchmen opening the way for their masters are in any way uncommon. Indeed, I would call all of these common tropes. That doesn’t mean that the combination here is common in itself… but let’s just say randomly combining fantasy elements you wouldn’t have to wait that long to get that story structure, and it could well happen twice independently.

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I’ve played ESO quite a bit (over 300 hours for sure) and I must say I never thought of this (still haven’t gone onto SL), but yeah you’ve got a point, it is actually VERY similar put this way.

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