Am I the only one who gets extreme anxiety from signing up for groups?

Well good for you then tell us your secret?.

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Don’t PUG, it’s full of people who want you to either be overgeared or know every single step, so that you can rush through.

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There is no such thing as talking too much i am very social and talkative in any groups so I find it really weird when someone is actually a mute the whole time even IRL I avoid or get bored with people who sit next to me and not utter a single word it’s creepy.

Yorda some people have no choice so we must pug because there are no guilds anymore that will help people only communities are left to try honestly.

I wouldn’t really play with people like that, i’d just leave. In retail it’s been enough to do dungeons with just guild, but classic has been pugs only. So far though it’s only been smooth ride with nice people.

But you do need to grow thicker skin against people harassing you, don’t let them shake you emotionally.

Lol I know my anxiety is just in my head, I have coping mechanisms and medications to get through life (the shoe thing is actually real and I know it’s ridiculous but it’s a coping mechanism) However, today I got up, I’m alive, I’m smiling and I won’t do thing that set me off into a spiral of panic attacks even if it is all in my head :smiley:


think that is acutaly one reason I do not pug that much, becuse I like to comment on stuff in dungeons, offcourse in M+ that is not such a good thing becuse of timer to do but, in none timed dungeons I like to do it, but at same time been told to shut up for just saying hi even.

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Well it’s Classic it’s a different game compared to Retail so you are comparing apples and oranges.

Yea i feel you today’s player’s In game are weird and antisocial because I had the same thing happen to me people told me to go to hell cause I saidhow is everyone today.

I haven’t pigged in a while. I used to. Then I joined a mythic casual community and I’ll always try to get a run there first. I wouldn’t say I know the people extremely well yet. But I know them enough to know they’re friendly, reliable and won’t freak if the run is less than perfect.

I did my first total pug in a long time last night. Was a bit jittery as it was for a ten, and I’ve never nursed my rio. Still they accepted me, it went well until a specific boss and we didn’t time it, but nobody raged.

I think running community runs has allowed me take a chill, and I’m not so bad when total pugging anymore. I’m more prone to looking for groups and less nervous about applying. The worst they can do is decline me. Still, I never pure pug a dungeon for a high key I know I’m not completely comfortable with. So I’ll casual pug places like shrine, temple, WM, FH, dazar and underrot but I won’t full pug seige or motherlode as I haven’t done them nearly as many times so my fear is any mistimings of keys would be down to me being too slow or such.


I was on a low lvl alt and was questing around the barrens.

I did /wave at a player then he whispered me “retard”.

Not joking btw.

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Since people told me to go to hell for saying how was their day I believe you :laughing: what’s wrong with wow community where did it go wrong?.

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No consequences pushes and encourages a lot of players to act this way.

For every one decent person there are ten awful ones.

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Just makes me wonder whats wrong with ppl, would’ve been better off to just ignore that /wave. So rude of them.


So Blizzards should enforce more punishments to pugs so they will learn to be nice because doing nothing just encourages people to be douchebags.

Yeah, you and me both… We get rejected cos the group doesn’t love us! :frowning:

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Should’ve just reported him in game for being offensive. The moment you do this this player is silenced for you and if he gets enough complaints from others he gets a more severe punishment.

I always report players who are unnecessarily rude and offensive to anyone and everyone should do the same. At least that way you don’t get to read their childish filth anymore.
Those people that are being rude and offensive to other people over a video game don’t deserve to play any video games at all, or interact with other people.


Yes, communities seem to be the only option :frowning: I turned to the community option myself.

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:cry: let’s hope it works because since everyone plays for themselves and nobody tries to communicate in the open world and I play this game mainly to be able to hang with someone in game in party and do content together not talking about only mythic + but any content in general.Now it feels like I am playing Diablo 3 because I solo everything to Max level no interaction because people don’t want any.I mean people talk more on the forums then they do in game what does that tell ya?.Also to add one thing me and my best lady Anna believe that happened because Blizzard trivialized the content thus not a need to even talk at all also too many teens who have short attention spans and being rude is the new buzzword to play the game.


As the world becomes less & less about face to face socialisation, anxiety about interacting with people we don’t know - even online - will increase… those who use vitriolic response as a defence mechanism in these cases should never be excused.

Communities are an answer, but not the universal one.

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