Am i the only one who gets stroke from Darkmoon Deathmatch?

I’m farming the heirloom currently. I started to farm it with my vulpera shaman (enhancement) due to how my racial works.

So far i have met with 2-5 man premades, guardian druids with 1-2 man backup army, restoration shaman with 3x pack spirit (on ~470 ilvl azerite armors) and my personal favorite is dh with a ton of leech. They are simply unkillable if you can’t make way higher dmg than they do which is obviously impossible if they have at least the same ilvl than you do.

I’m stuck at 10 trinket and no matter what time is it (i usually try at 6am-9pm but today i even tried at 12am too. I simply unable to get the last 3 chests because of these cancerous matchups.

Maybe if i would play on a low pop RP realm, it would be easier, isn’t it?

Or you could make your own group instead of trying to solo it.

My advice is go see a doctor immediately, a stroke can be fatal


I got 2 month in game silence because I bullied people who 4v1ed me in Darkmoon/gurubashi :))

So you got what you deserved?


That’s sad.

May I suggest bringing some friends? Everything is more enjoyable with friends. Even bloody carnage… :skull:

I think we need to take this further. Clearly serious research needs to go into investigating all these serious maladies that people seem to be getting struck down with when something they don’t like happens in a video game.

My imaginary friends can not really help there…

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Just because you don’t value your time, it doesn’t mean that it’s an abnormal reaction.

I guess you don’t know the feeling when you come home from work at 12am hoping to get one more trinket and then you get ganked. So you go to sleep and wake at 5:50am to have another chance before you go back to work and then you get ganked again.

Time is money and when i invest time into the game and i don’t get any results, then it’s a waste of time.

There’s always some a-holes ruining that tbh. Same with the Draenor gladiator arena.

And this caused part of your brain to cease functioning? Frustration is fine but hyperbole just makes you look foolish.

As someone who has farmed this for months with the help of others:

  • Farm it in the morning.
  • Beware of the people who are already inside and simply log into their characters at the right time in the right moment so they can bypass the channeling-time to enter the DMF arena.
  • Get friends, work together. For once we had a battle royal for 30mins before someone got it in the end. Don’t do this alone.

i like how most tips pretty much boil down to “dont do it alone because people are a$$holes that will ruin it for you” … so everyone whos friends quit or simply enjoys playing alone has to suck it up! WORKIN AS INTENDED YALL

its a BATTLE ROYALE the whole point is that nobody works together but ofc why expect this from people when you can cheat your way to the prize

Stroking is fun. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :banana: :sweat_drops:

I got the 13 chest required for the darkmoon arena by doing it at 6:00 AM
Another trick I used was to leave in the arena a character with WM ON and another character with WM OFF, because with there is a different chest available for WM and NON-WM players. Sometimes at 6:00AM there was another player in my shard but not in the other shard and I have time enought to hearth back to Orgrimmar change to WM, go to the Arena and pick the chest.

And also did the same leavling a level 1 character from a trial account in a german roleplaying realm. Combining WM, Non WM and roleplaying shard most of the time there is at least one chest available with no one to compoite, sometimes I was able to pick 2 or 3 chest at the same time.

With this tactics I got the 13 chest with one chest on average per day with only one try per day (some times I got more than one chest and sometines I got none)

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