Am I the only one? 🦆

A duck mount should have increased swim speed.

Ducks for daaays please! :3

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Finally i understand the jailor!!

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They probably haven’t the super advanced technology for a creature that walks, floats on water and flies.

For some bizzare reason my brain went " I wander if a necrolord duck is just a goose"

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Yes… a Honey Badger should be able to take on any other pet :rofl:


A goose kind of sounds like it would be the troll racial mount; twice as much trolling.

They should be new race for alliance. Ducks. Special ability quuuuacck.

i used to play ff14 with someone called “Ducky”… for his birthday i gave him a duck mini pet…

he was our guild mascot … when he used to afk he used to go and sit in the FC house pond :stuck_out_tongue:

he took that duck pet everywhere with him xD

good times…

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I was just about to say that there was this one critically acclaimed mmorpg where you can have a duck minion and that allows you to play up to and including the first expansion completely free with no time limit. However it seems I was too late. Pity.

What’s wrong with having some silly mounts and pets. Gimme a duck, Gimme a duck mount.

But the important thing. Let me whistle it, and have it on my shoulder like some of the parrot pets.

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Now that’s a lovely idea!

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Like the one in Super Mario Kart for the Nintendo Wii?? That would be great

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Duck Pancakes you say? Oh don’t mind if I do!

it’s a little known fact that ducks are actually minions of the void lords and cannot fully manifest into our reality that’s why you don’t really see them around

I think a war-goose would probably be more appropriate than a duck for this XD


if you want to go down the route of most malicious duck like creature we d have to settle on war swan :joy:

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I love ducks and this guy is my hero.

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The burden of knowledge