Hello there!
I took a break from raiding at the start of Warlords of Draenor due working shift work, I wasn’t able to commit to a raid schedule. My circumstances have changed, and I want to return to WoW.
I have always been a raider, 3-4 days a week, and it was a huge part of my life. I am worried that it is too late for me to make it this expansion.
At one point or another I have raided on all healers, I swapped depending on what my guild needed at that time/expansion. I would be looking to go back to main healing, but could offer dual spec if needed.
I am not currently level 120, as I have no idea what class I want to play, I love all the healers equally. But I would aim to be 120 ASAP and gear up as well as I can on my own.
I would just love the opportunity to raid again.
Thank you.
(My achievements aren’t sharing across characters on the armouries, so raiding exp isn’t completely accurate on this character.)
Hey, if you are looking for a mature, chill, cross realm community to raid 2 nights (Wed/Thurs from 21 to 00 server time) Punished could be the good choice for you.
We are seeking healers for our ranks and if it makes your choice easier a Shaman,Priest or Monk would be nice, but we do believe in that everyone should play what they love, not what they are forced to.
If you are interested add me on discord and we can chat more 
Discord: Mari# 6813
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Add me for talk decrakass#2249
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Hello Laani! Of course you’re not too late to start raiding! Please add me for a chat Luctish#1984
Solar Noctis (Frostwhisper/Zenedar/Bladefist) is a casual raiding guild, we are seeking active members to strengthen our raiding team. We are currently looking for DPS and healers for our current raid nights. To date we have cleared 8/8 HC and 6/9HC.
We are an English-speaking guild who strive to create a friendly, helpful community.
We want to clear content at our own pace. So if you are looking for a guild that intends to push heroic/mythic on week one this isn’t it.
We understand that people have families, jobs and other commitments outside of the game and therefore we are not in the business of demanding players to “be on at a certain time or else” - that goes against the relaxed and social environment we aim to create.
That being said our raid times are:-
Wednesday 20:00- 23:00
Sunday 20:00 - 23:00
We have a calendar full of events each week, including 2 M+ nights, levelling nights for alts and other activities from time to time!
So if you are looking for a relaxed and friendly place to raid or just hang out or if you’d like more information contact our guildmasters!
Luctish (Luctish#1984)
Gormac (Garaidh#21616)
Lossee (Lossee#2651)
Hello! If you fancy trying a brand new guild then have a look at on Argent Dawn, we are a 2 day a week heroic raiding guild. Our recruitment post and contact info is here [A] Past It - Argent Dawn. A New Guild, Come Enjoy A Cup of Tea & A Nice Sit Down - #2 by anon12148953
Hope to hear from you soon
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I have added a few people 
If you want to raid this tier do yourself a favor and play a priest or paladin. Shaman isn’t meta atm either. Azshara is a 2/3 heal fight but this tier has a few 4 heal and 1 5 heal fight (Orgozoa). So a lot of higher progressed mythic guilds won’t be recruiting. Hope this helps and GL. If you don’t care about completing the mythic tier, then just play whatever you want.
Edit: Oh, there are probably 2-3 months left this tier, MAYBE 4.
Hey there, if you want to add me to have a chat #swyxia2707.
Would love to have a talk with you about our guild.