Amalgam of Rage Game Breaking Bug

It makes you character disappear from time to time, not while riding, while dismounted, the only way to fix this is with a reload, this has messed up a few dungeons for me, please fix, it has been bugged since its release.

Then…dont use it. And if its fixed with a simple reaload, it cant be that bad. Does your reload take minutes or why is it ruining your dungeons?

Yes, this mount is bugged sometimes and i hope Blizzard would fix it soon…

It’s been bugged for years and I would say a mount that randomly turns your character invisible and forces a reload is pretty bad.

People don’t bother with this mount precisely because of this issue. And that’s not a good “solution” to the problem. Blizzard should have fixed this years ago.

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Its hardly “game breaking”. It would only be “game breaking” if you were forced to use it.

Don’t be so dramatic. Its definitely a bug that needs fixing, but nowhere near “game breaking”.

Annoiying for sure. And yes, it should be fixed. But its just one mount of 1000+, so the overdramatic feels …i dunno. Overdramatic.

Hey Somnis,

We do have an open bug in for this, though no details on a fix I’m afraid.

Glancing over some of the reports it seems to be happening mostly when cast from sitting and moving right before the cast completes, or when automatically dismounted from entering a building for example.

Hopefully the cause can still be addressed at some point, but avoiding those might help in the meantime.

I’m not the op but thank you for your information

It’s a Mount people paid real money for! Of cause they should fix it ASAP. Everybody should have their money back until blizzard fixes this. It’s been years. Not okay at all.