Amazing lack of response from anyone at Blizzard

And your point is ? That was in response to the opening post by the way.

Uldir released, horde had gear advantage of 1 HC piece, no complaints. Stop whining and just accept it.

Alliance gets 1 HC item and it’s has to be fixed!

It’s clear from the responses the majority of Horde they don’t like WM, then turn it off. If enough do it we will lose our 30% and the quest.

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I miss downvotes, I really do.

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Where do you think your 30% buff and free 400 ilvl comes from. Swarms of alliance took to the forums, crying.

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You guys should be getting your [Fixed I.W.I.N. Button] in the post shortly then, because the sheer amount of tears shed this last 24 hours is unreal.

that 400 is HC IL, that 370 was HC IL. The free quarenteed epic day of Uldir for Horde NP. Alliance? OMG! Unfair. We are now equal.

I’m sure that our good, able and progressive team at Blizzard HQ are working on any and all problems. They’re competent people that have worked on this game for years. Maybe try and have a bit of faith? :slight_smile:

They stopped caring along time ago just look at the state of the game

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Mods are asleep post :cima:

I wasn’t about til late September so I don’t give a fart about whatever was wrongly executed before that. Really don’t.

And I really don’t care either about other players getting something. Power to them.

I do find it absurd half of the players can’t and many feel “cheated” by the looks of it.

Yes you feel cheated, but how did the Alliance feel at Uldir? The same way. So now we have been equalized, we both got HC gear piece for free at the start a tier once, and now hope it won’t repeat again.

You have a problem reading or something? I wasn’t about when Uldir came out. So your argument is both flawed and infantile.

My gaming experience isn’t altered by this botched system, I don’t PvP in WoW, I PvP in shooters, but this idea is perceived as wrong by many people, it seems, and I personally am yet to see any intelligent response as to its merits.

BTW “alliance feel at Uldir”… “Alliance” doesn’t exist. Gamers do.

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i do udnerstand but I see the hyprocisy easily this forums had, when Horde the advantages where you guys? When Hordemode happend where were the Horde saying had to change? Now we as EU Alliance have 1 free HC item same as the Horde had at Uldir and it’s been nerfed for next reset to a 385 and endless complaining? Get Allaince back into PvP with 8.1? Endless complaining. Aslong as it favors the masses are quet but once Alliance has an advantage just once oh boy! Reddit and the official forums are on fire, can’t have that!

Thus my point stands we not both had 1 tier 1 free HC item, so for EU it means done.

What are you even talking about?
You get a armor piece every week for camping flightpoints for 10 mins, when did horde ever get that?


The uldir piece came out somewhat later in the cycle when a heroic piece wasn’t as big a deal. This 400 piece is a bigger deal since people could get if before they’d even ever stepped foot in the raid.

Besides the “no you!!!” back and forth. Is this good for the game? Go on, be honest and objective. I’ve had a bit of time for reflection and whoever did this has lost the plot. It’s just thoughtless short term (I’d say tweaks but its not, its a sledgehammer)

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According to that Q&A WM was balanced to start with. So I was right, the Alliance did turn it off, they created Horde mode. The more that turned it off the more the others felt alone and then more turned off WM. More Horde also turned it on as they became the majority.


Blizzard balance
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I think that’s common knowledge, isn’t it? I mean, we were all there… :wink:

Who contests this? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The caveat of course being that yeah, it was balanced to start with, because everyone had it on for leveling and factions were isolated on their own islands. So that was a bit of a special scenario which is different from the max level scenario where Horde and Alliance are mixed. So it was predictable that it would change in some way.

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Thought Blizzard was mainly based in America? I’d say their priority focus would be on the US Forums? Not just because it’s homeground but really, I am sure there are more forum users over there. They may be able to gauge opinions better?

Still, would love to see some interest on our forums too…