Amazing writing, Blizz *slow clap* (Obviously spoilers ahead)

Who are you calling a rotting corpse? Sylvanas doesn’t rot. She has plot armour that prevents it. You on the other hand… You stink.

I will never understand how the alliance let death knights into their ranks, much less that alliance players would choose to play the class. It baffles me. This is no personal attack at you, I really am flabbergasted.


She’s still a cold corpse though, even if she isn’t swarmed by maggots inside

The colder something is, the less it rots. And Sylvanas is below 0 Kelvin. Go figure.

Danuser will make sure that forsaken specifically acknowledge how grateful they should be to her to mirror Saurfang treatment.
Also, Nathanos will probably die again to save MUHQEEN from eternal death or give her more time or something.

Undead are literally just their souls bound to their dying flesh. The 2 are separate now, not fully compatible with each other anymore. So are the deathknights. Did you forget that all deathknights are basically just undead with greater purpose?

10 chars


Ehm exactly what in my post made you think I wasn’t aware of this?
You are still a product of the Lich King. DKs are part of Scourge as much as Forsaken were. Yet Forsaken are not welcome with the Alliance, the people to whom they (we) previously belonged. But DK’s are welcome? Stronger scourge? How does that work?

actually the crappy writer in charge of this story wanted to make trilogy starting with legion which is where the sylvanas garbage started. so yeh it was “prepared” (poorly) from the start

You just answered your own question, if you actually are aware of that.

By that logic you should want to be allied with Sylvanas yet you (alliance) condemn Anduin for trying to keep the peace.

There is no peace, only armistice. Armistice and peace are 2 very different things lmao. Just looking back at how Horde likes to attack out of nothing and start conflicts it doesn’t matter anyway because sooner or later horde will attack again. It’s this bad guy cliché. once a bad guy always a bad guy


Here, have a sympathy-like.

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why do you think
sylvanas doesn’t rot
when all undead, as a race, rot. you literally have some that are almost only bone, but have some, like delaryn or sira that look like they are still alive.

Blizzard can’t change her model to have any bones because then her fans would stop satisfying themselves to her pictures

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Also known as plot armour, which I mentioned before.

Now that’s just unnecessarily insulting. If you’re just here looking to argue you got the wrong person. Kindly find another thread, there are no hungry trolls here.

In fact, in Shadows Rising Nathanos admits to use frangance to cover an absence of scent that living people might find uncomfortable. I imagine it’s the same with Sylvanas, or DKs for that matter. No rotten stench like normal Forsaken but instead a complete lack of body odor.

Good idea actually. We could all refuse to shower until we get what we want. Now that would show them!

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sylvanas fan = ugly stinky stinker

I agree, and Sylvanas is one of my favorite characters. She should’ve just remained the shady Forsaken leader occasionally showing up at Horde meetings, offering to plaguebomb people and stuff.

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Begone out the Horde, closed alliance scum.

begone traitor to the horde go and be with your traitor queen S I M P