Ambush/muti macro

Hi, is there possible to make macro that will bind ambush and mutilate under one button? When subterfuge is active it will be ambush, and when it expires - it will change to mutilate.
Tried this
/cast [stealth] Ambush
/cast [nostealth] Mutilate
but it doesnt see subterfuge.

also this
/cast [subterfuge] Ambush
/cast [nostealth] Mutilate

does not activate muti after sub ends.

You shouldn’t need a macro for this any more. Just put ambush onto your stealth bar and mutilate on your non-stealth bar in the same position. Your stealth bar will always be active in stealth/subterfuge. Mutilate on your non-stealth bar will automatically switch to ambush for blindeside procs - you don’t need a separate ambush keybind on your non-stealth setup.

However if for some reason you want to use mutilate in stealth, you’ll need a separate keybind for it.


well, i guess im too dumb to figure it out. Thanks.

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