An almost solution for tanks in solo Shuffle (in my opinion)

I personally want the next expansion to play blood dk, I don’t have the necessary time or desire to have more characters or to play dps like frost or unholy, I will want to play both pve and pvp, the problem is that blood dk is a tank, the pve part is easy, when it comes to pvp, I understand that the tank has nothing to do because it doesn’t have dmg necessary to be dps and neither does the heal of a healer, and I think as a solution to the problem is to use the pvp talents system to add to each tank that does not have the possibility to heal (Blood dk, warrior, demon hunter, and even monk) to add a heal based on the resource it uses warrior (rage) dk (runic power ) …
If I, as a blood dk, want to play pvp, why should I only play normal and not be able to get better gear, when I could be a semi healer/support, giving the team the tools I already have such as Death Chain for more dmg, warrior, intervene for more resistance and so on , It would be much less frustrating for me as well as for the players to have the possibility to heal them, I think that would be the best solution not to remove tanks from pvp, and to turn them into a support class.
And no, I don’t want to play a healer class just because players are taught that this is how it should be, that 3v3 that has been around since the beginning of time, is it still there, play that mode or what, you can’t find players to play, you don’t have healers to accept you in the group , aren’t you all active at the same time to play ?

They screwed over tanks because a few loud dps couldn’t handle playing without the safety net of a healer, so now our game mode is removed entirely. The tank solo shuffle we got for 2 weeks was the most fun pvp I’ve ever experienced in this game.


Er, what? Are you joking? :smiley:

To heal other players I meant, not myself.

Ah ok.^^ 10 chars

Many things in this game were seen as bad at the time and after it was understood it was not really like that,

The real problem was guardian druids doing double or triple dps than dps specs while immune to cc, and that’s what people meant when they complained about “tanks”.

What is the problem from which account am I writing, and the idea I want to address,

It’s really not. We just don’t want tanks in arena.


Well, you see, we understand each other, no one plays tank in the arena 3v3 2v2 , That’s why it was made so that anyone who wants to play the pvp arena, should not meet this type of players who are now complaining about the tank that they saw on the internet or that they had a bad experience in a few matches, play 3v3 those of you who don’t I like it, I don’t understand why it’s such a big problem, why would you want to play solo when you don’t know what players you can play, make a group, oh wait, it’s wow pvp, you don’t really can find a healer to take in the group, and not to leave after the first loss?

And you can play blood dk, so what is the issue? I mean, sure, everybody will hate you but why should that mean you should get instant queues? Why are you so self focused and don’t think about the other players?

Maybe, doesn’t change the fact that the majority of players don’t want to play with or against tanks. Now you can still play tank, but you don’t have the advantage of instant queues anymore.

Personally I would have preferred a system, where tanks only fight tanks, so basically a queue for yourself. How ever, the devs obviously are against fun and balance, so they came up with that solution.

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This is what I want to say, that the role of the tank should be changed so that it is not frustrating for anyone, not to be removed from the game and to be modified in such a way that a few players like me can play without feeling useless ,
It has nothing to do with insta que, and with the fact that everyone wants to hate, although the problem can be fixed a little, but I see that the majority is against an idea like this and just wants to be removed so that everything will be as it was at the beginning, when this is the beginning.

Easy solution.

Play a dps spec or healer.

Not our problem you”re greedy and want the easy way into pvp.

Also pvp gear isnt for tanking so ur just in ur comfort zone and dont want to learn a dps spec

Spare us the “ i dont have time” to play a dps spec.

Tanks should be removed from solo s; no matter the class

Blizz should stop cater to 0.5% of player base and ruin the experience for the people who put in some effort

Good day


The experience of the players is also ruined by the players, if a healer doesn’t want to give you a heal, he doesn’t, and you lose 6 matches, if one wants to leave the match, he leaves and the match ends, this excuse with ruined it’s a pathetic excuse , this is comfortable zone and that tank is easy to play, it’s so stupid and just to be there , and who told you that I don’t play dps, that I won’t play anymore is something else I decided from the beginning that this is my main, for the new expansion and blizzard said from the beginning that the tank it will be in solo shuffle, (0.5% although I think there are many more ) And you try to change my right to play pvp as blood dk. Well, if in order to play normal BGs I need gear, because otherwise the ¬big dps¬ comes who complained that he doesn’t want me there (in rank pvp) and attacks my hp with many strikers that require a lot of skill, just he’s is not a pathetic tank player like me, where do I have fun if I don’t have items?

First of all, the tank queue isn’t removed entirely. It’s just limited to prot paladins only. The rest will have to queue like a dps, so stop your whining. You’re in no worse position than any other DPS, if queue times are what you care about.

If you want RATING, then that’s a whole other story. You’re not entitled to rating. You’re not what should be good to get rating as. You’re a tank, and tanks are antithetical to the game mode of deathmatch PvP in itself. Blizzard had to literally make you all into hybrids to even give you a chance in deathmatch PvP, but some of course ended up being overtuned sometimes.
Look at what you asked yourself in the OP, you asked for better healing. Like a walking god. No game designer in their right mind would EVER make you immortal. EVER.

Unfortunately Blizzard has shown their streaks of crazy decisions sometimes, but overall they’ve managed to stop such things for the most part usually.

If you want to be good in PvP, then play something that’s good in PvP. That’s something Holinka himself has said in Q&As in the past. That the players who adapts best will succeed the most. That’s true for EVERYONE, not just you crybaby tanks.

Also, if you want to play the role as TANK in TANK QUEUES, then play prot pala instead of blood DK. It’s not that uncommon for a class and/or spec to be complete dog :poop: in arenas, and you still have the option (unfortunately) to queue as a tank for tank queues which is what you want to begin with.
Even better for you, it’s a tank that can HEAL OTHERS. It’s exactly what you’re asking for.


Yes, tanks are easier to play than any dps spec in
Pvp. Healers are excluded , cuz its the most stresfull role.

I dont have a beef with you as a person; but it takes 30min max to
Make a pvp build- spec-binds to play it.

If blizzaed could balance tanks, i would have no problem with it, but they cant and they wont.

So , you could just play dps, get you”re pvp gear( there is no tank pvp gear) and have ur fun and important role in rated bg”s

But dont come and tell us tanks are hard to play in pvp, cuz thats just straight up a lie.

Ur more durable, u can make a lot of mistakes and heal way 2much.

I repeat, i have 0 problems with you as an individual.

And ur not excluded from pvp, u can choose a role thats suited for arenas and play a tank in bg”s

U seem unflexible in even considerating playing a dps, and you know tanks are broken in pvp.

When people state true facts, u just ignore this facts and insist to a 1-100 ratio in favor of tanks pvp

Good night


no problem when you like to waste your time but please dont drag me into that thanks

there is no point in trying to balance tanks and even give them heals. They are not made for arena like gameplay.

im glad its over

not possible since you cant just change a spec completely since they have to play a role in pve too.

its not a pathetic excuse. Games with no healers are just zugfests with no tactics involved at all. There are many specs that just dont work without having a healer and their experience is completely ruined when playing with some useless tanks.

you can still play as a blood dk you just dont ruin the game for everyone else.

I’m sorry I didn’t express myself well let me answer briefly so that it is understood.
1-I dont want insta que , to be put as dps, it doesn’t bother me, nor does it bother me that the general idea that a tank is not for pvp, and only the idea that something that is vocally louder even if it is a minority or a majority will cover each other depends how loud you scream, and any attempt to improve will be covered.
2-Catch a tank in n matches, he’s a fool, the man is crazy, there’s only one tank per match, offer a tool to compensate because he’s a tank and not a dps or a healer, an example maybe stupid, make my taunt force one of the opponent’s dps , to attack only me for a while, I can’t get heal, and I get more dmg taken so as to compensate for the fact that I’m a tank and I already take less dmg, the player has a chance to kill me and reducing the pressure on the healer or dps in my team which is focused by 2 dps players, give me a tool to compensate for my lower dmg by reducing the dmg received by the players who are in my team , there are many solutions, only this bothers me the most, no they say that nothing can be done, it just has to be removed. I’m not saying that you see how good it will be, a utopian world, and that you see how good a tank in pvp will be, but try to see the other side of the problem, not just what you want (not you the person now)
I’m trying to explain, as you can see from the answers I received, that the community immediately rejects any idea, be it good or bad, that you see, it’s not going to happen or that it’s impossible.
The part with the heal was stupid on my part, I don’t want to be a healer, it was a kind of bad example, now I realize. I’m just trying to bring to the surface that something can be tried, things can change for better or for worse, the tank has been considered pve since it was known, as you say and everyone unfortunately (for you) can enter match with you, why shouldn’t that 0.5% that you catch in the match be able to play this style of game at a mediocre level and not be frustrating for you that they do nothing. although if people complained that there are too many tanks and that they destroy the game in pvp why not make them as much as possible focused on support. I think there are more people who want to play, maybe because they like that class and have the pleasure of playing pvp (and not because it’s an easy class and because it’s a free win), to all the topics that address something similar to me, purely and there is simply no middle way and only the part that is right in their own way but they don’t want to understand that maybe even though there are few or more players like me as a tank, I don’t want to make your life miserable because you caught me in the match, and I want those who want this style of play to protect teammates or control the enemy team by forcing them to attack me. to have a small niche that is not fundamentally hated by everyone. , I don’t want my class to be super good and overall the tank has a place there small in pvp and to make sense to be there without being beaten, humiliated, and put against the wall for the pleasure of playing something.

Because having one tank per game is not balanced. And that’s why you’re happy about the change, because it makes you giddy knowing the tank will automatically lose. Just like it would be stupid if each game had one healer. It’s an indirect way to remove tanks from solo shuffle while claiming “nooo they can still queue haha”. The only way it was balanced when both sides had a tank.

You do realise you just explained shadowy duel but with an added extra dmg taken on the tank for the duration of it, right? That’s not something to be given to tanks. At all. Not to mention the impact that’d have on RBGs, imagine an FC using shadowy duel to avoid the group PvP fights and escape, it’d be insanely overpowered in large-scaled PvP and insanely toxic in deathmatch PvP if it doesn’t make you die by using it, but with a tank’s survivability that’s very unlikely.

Ironic that you say that, considering you show no understanding of PvP designs in a macro scale. In other words, you keep asking for tanks to be made broken, no matter how much worse it makes the gameplay overall for everyone else.

Yeah, after you get it explained to you. Problem is, it can be explained to you for everything you say. There’s never a good reason to make tanks viable as tanks in deathmatch PvP.
To make them work in deathmatch PvP, Blizzard would either have to turn down all survivability, including turning off dodge, turning off parry, turning off block, tuning down the selfheals, and turning down armor values, to a regular DPS, and make them into a literal peel bot - which doesn’t fit PvE and tanks have already said they don’t like that in PvP - or Blizzard simply have to turn off the tank role from deathmatch PvP altogether.

It’s simply antithetical to the purpose of deathmatch PvP.

They already are heavily focused on support. Every single tank spec. Blood DKs are pure cancer with their grips and slows and how they aren’t viable kill targets despite it, guardian druids are offhealers, prot palas are offhealers, prot warrs are more about crowd control, BM monks are more about damage mitigation and crowd control (although the damage mitigation is mostly anti-physical, not a lot of anti-magic tools), and so on.

They all have something they excel at support-wise. If you can’t make use of that, then that’s a you issue, not a design issue.

But if they’d make tanks into walking IWin-buttons, then that’d literally ruin deathmatch PvP for everyone else. Tanks are simply not supposed to be strong while also being TANKS. It doesn’t work in deathmatch PvP.

No, it was guaranteed wins for tanks that they never deserved in the first place. That isn’t “balanced”, it’s just dysfunctional designs. Besides, you can still get your guaranteed wins as a prot pala. Tank queues haven’t been removed, just limited to prot palas only.
What they’ve accomplished with this change in the queues, is that there’s a higher amount of average healing in every shuffle, which lets more specs work. It also keeps you non-prot pala tanks on :poop: ratings, which is hilarious.