An alternative for the Forsaken leadership

And at what point do you “transcend” exactly? Isn’t Faol done exactly that? Or is just having on conversation with Anduin enough to reset all that progress?

Ye I am doubting that Bolvar has the same motives as the Forsaken do, I’d rather have the Forsaken slowly loss their aggression then adding more Scourge themes into their society.
I mean it could be decent, but that would require to change most of Bolvar’s past to do so.

Having powerful lore characters is a curse, they are in a position to be powerful to change/help/solve anything yet are never used for that exact reason. Take Malfurion is WoT, he has to be defeated through a gimmick and then never used again beyond killing one Val’kyr.

Blizzard doesn’t know how to write or handle them, you shouldn’t be wanting more of them even if there is an unbalanced ratio of them.

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Thrall pre losing his powers, Tyrande, Jaina, Velen, Anduin, Malfurion and other army wrecking characters defeat the purpose of even mustering having standing armies.

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Here you go

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Thank god for that. :pray:

When you shift your views to a degree that you renounce any faction affiliation or ties with your former life.
Bolvar himself states that he “died” as such in ICC.

I don’t understand why you bring up Faol here.

Given the recent story, and places like Maldraxxus or the role Bolvar apparently had, adding more Scourge elements isn’t a bad thing.

Thats why I noted that I didn’t mention said character because of him being a powerhouse.
I mentioned him because he is an established one, with solidified background, and a theme that would strengthen the Forsaken story and pump them into a relevant role in the setting.

The Horde needs that sort of characters.

It’s currently relying on the likes of Voss and Zekhan to compete in terms of narrative and attention, with characters like Malfurion or Jaina.
The sheer disparity regarding dominance, story impact, and exposure, is obvious.

So yes, I do think the Horde needs a big name to join their side for once.


Thanks for that. The only potential wiggle room I see is the “because of this”… But it should at least push Calia quite a bit down on the list of contenders for Forsaken leadership. And it makes clear that they actually care about faction her, so… I guess Faol is out as well. If Calia wouldn’t play for team red, I don’t see him doing so, either.

I guess we’ll get an arc about the reluctant Lilyan Voss embracing leadership under Calia’s guidance then.

What, you didn’t think that “better than Calia’s leadership” would be something you would actually like, did you?

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“You must step out of the shadows and lead”

Here we go again.

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Leonid Barthalomew seems to be a great option.

Desolate Council, anyone?

Mysterious gathering with unknown agendas and power… fits them like a damn glove.
Maybe toss in one or two known members, but keep the bulk a secret. What’s not to love?

They’d still need someone who spoke for them at the Horde Council.

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