An idea how to improve BG honor grind further

There were some news on US about extra marks from BGs for doing objectives of BG even if you are loosing. It’s a good change, but you can make it even better.
There is a quest to turn in 3x marks of every BG (For Great Honor, Concerted Efforts), make this quest give like 25k honor. With this change people will play different BGs instead of one meta BG and queue time for horde might improve too.


it currently only gives 2500 Honor for 3 of each marks : /
So it would definently be a welcome change

Oh, and do somethign about AV aswell :slight_smile:

Did they change it from 7.5k to 2.5k?

He is talking about concerted efforts. It still has the old rewards.

Oh sorry, I misread because Im an idiot. Yeah the 3 of each should definitely reward more than 2.5k.

Again Blizz rewards those who already are winning. Casual signups? Business as usual, being rolled over and 1 mark.

Let premade meet premade. And stop using the excuse of long waiting time. As per now (EU). Waiting time alliance = 1 minute, and horde = 8 minutes.

So far today, on horde side: 0% winrate 0-5. Either you’re in a premade, or you’re on the losing track. No matter what side you’re playing on.

The good thing? Last week with ranking :ok_hand: Until next phase.

Win should still just be 3 marks, this is a straight up buff to premade ofc this will happen