Vohkari: Hey this new world pvp mode seems kind of interesting.
Goes to Orgrimmar, turns on War Mode, goes back to questing area
Starts looking for the key carrying zomb- Max lvl human paladin appears out of nowhere, kills poor Vohkari and uses /rofl on their corpse
Vohkari: Well that was frustrating, but if I wait 2 minutes I'm sure he'll move on.
Respawns, continues the search for the key hoarding zom- Max lvl human paladin appears again, executes Vohkari mercilessly, and uses /rofl on their corpse
Vohkari: Again? Really? I guess I'll wait 5 minutes this time.
Respawns, starts hunting down those key carrying zo- Max lvl human paladin appears yet again, steamrolls our beaten and bruised Vohkari, and uses /rofl on their corpse
Vohkari returns to Orgrimmar, and our WPvP story ends.
Being camped is optional :)
30/10/2018 00:24Posted by VohkariVohkari: Again? Really? I guess I'll wait 5 minutes this time.
Yeah. This is PvP. The only cure for that is doing the same. Gang them as much as you can. Be fierceful, show savage. Then next time someone ganged on You will feel like slight disadvantage.
Still camping a low level multiple times is noob’s doing. Challenging someone using your full advantage is part of PvP.
30/10/2018 13:50Posted by VaëynBeing camped is optional :)
It's usually the 340ilvl lfr *heroes* saying how warmode is fine and perfectly balanced.
If you actually spent more time in the game instead of !@#$posting here you would see the problem with faction imbalance.
Pre BfA, on my 50/50'ish PvP server, there was NO CONFLICT. WPvP was all 1v1. Fun at the time
Ever wondered why there was no wpvp in legion ?
There's a 20 man raid trying to help him not get oneshotted with him being in a tank spec.
Ask yourself, WHY was there NO CONFLICT in legion wpvp ?
Why was there no 40vs40 wpvp ?
Did you even play legion ? LOL
This is fun for you? Is this actually fun for you? No wonder you like warmode in current state
01/11/2018 14:59Posted by VaëynShow me where Blizz say they are going to fix it or that it needs fixed? Hey, I am very interested in that, if there's a blue post or something I want to read it.
Check recent blizzard patches regarding sharding, i cba to find for you, they are there
01/11/2018 14:59Posted by VaëynI have no idea how many players are not having difficulty and enjoy War Mode, and I never said a ratio. You are making stuff up.
No im not, check every possible forum and you will see that only alliance players are saying warmode is not balanced.
PVP servers has always been about ganking lowbies then ganking their mains, unfair battles and all that nice stuff! all the way from lvl 1 to maxlvl.
This fairytale about fair 1v1 wpvp battles is just that, a fairytale.
That PVE server players cry about warmode beeing boring is no surprise.
You lack the sense of awareness that PVP server players has learned over the years, constantly checking your surroundings for enemys, saving most cds for that !@#$ing rogue that can jump you at any second etc.
So that lead to all your PVE server friends toggled off warmode and now warmode is kill.
Remove warmode, and bring PVP servers back, and remove migrations between PVE and PVP servers while you are at it tyvm.
This fairytale about fair 1v1 wpvp battles is just that, a fairytale.
That PVE server players cry about warmode beeing boring is no surprise.
You lack the sense of awareness that PVP server players has learned over the years, constantly checking your surroundings for enemys, saving most cds for that !@#$ing rogue that can jump you at any second etc.
So that lead to all your PVE server friends toggled off warmode and now warmode is kill.
Remove warmode, and bring PVP servers back, and remove migrations between PVE and PVP servers while you are at it tyvm.
01/11/2018 17:15Posted by Wispr
Sounds like wpvp!
That's the right attitude for War Mode.
No evidence has been given that Blizz think there's a problem with War Mode.
No evidence given that majority of Alliance WPvPers are unhappy with War Mode. How would we know that?
If it's mostly PvEers that have the "impossible" War Mode issue, War Mode is not for them. If some are WPvPers, they don't have the will to try harder or accept that sometimes it doesn't work out in your favour. War Mode is not for them.
That night I tried to get people to do somethign instead of calling me and the others being trapped bad players (3vs20? EASY! right?!) for atleast 15 minutes, I logged out afterwards and one hour later I logged back with still the majority of said gank raid still camping... Zuldazar is safer to walk around in (except the top of course) than bloody Stormsong, even had a small stand at the Horde trying to get 10 kills last with 3 others (yeah guys why are close to 0 Horde in the zone itself?:p), we got our 10 kills (well more like 17) and it was somehow balanced (not 40vs4, in the end it turned from a 6vs4 into a 11vs4).01/11/2018 17:15Posted by WisprStill ganking allys to this date, but knowing that they can toggle off is not as funny.
Before i knew that the one i ganked was stuck, only thing he could do was to log off and call it a night.
01/11/2018 17:20Posted by VaëynNo evidence given that majority of Alliance WPvPers are unhappy with War Mode. How would we know that?
Go turn on warmode and enter boralus, see how many alliance players are there, then turn it off and see it again.
I doubt blizzard will ever show the numbers because then that will show the huge number difference and it will start drama and uproar.
You have no arguments, the majority of alliance players are the one creating threads about warmode all you got is your so called *experience*
What evidence have you given that warmode is fine?
People are not making threads about 1v5 ganking, they are blaming the sharding and horde outnumbering alliance, which is a fact.
01/11/2018 20:01Posted by VaëynIf there's imbalance, that's a good thing.
I will also quote you from your other thread
And faction balance is irrelevant. Tools are available to avoid or retaliate.
You're promoting faction imbalance and saying it's irrelevant. Of course tools are available and alliance players are using it.
And that is the root of the problem.
Not laggy at all with it on, very laggy at peak times with it off... It was already envidenced during leveling, the chars with WM on barely had any lag and the chars without it lagged regularly.01/11/2018 19:07Posted by AvakarabaticGo turn on warmode and enter boralus, see how many alliance players are there, then turn it off and see it again.