It feels horrible to finish a dungeon within 5 seconds of timing it, only to recieve the worst possible dungeon key back. The Pandaren that appears should come and give us the option to change our key back to the dungeon we just finished (but 1 key level lower ofcourse) people and groups of friends would definitely like a way to practice and master certain dungeons when a run is finished, but failed the timer. To be able to say " okay we failed here. lets go again ! "
I assume blizzard would be afraid of people using this as an exploit to farm the same item drops again and again, but is that really so bad ?
Atleast it would give them the agency to work for the item they desire.
Another idea is this : once you have timed a level 20 key, you get the ability to turn any key of yours into that specific dungeon ( at the cap of key level you have timed it at)
For example : your 23 Throne of the tides would turn into a 21 black rook hold ( cause thats the highest BRH you have timed)
An 18 - Throne of the tides would just turn into an 18 - Black Rook Hold.