“Elu’meniel mal alann. This war has taken many lives, sowed many tragedies, countless atrocities… and yet, finally it is over. Finally we must no longer contend with a global conflict threatening to consume us all. The Fourth War has seen many fall amongst our people, both in service to the Horde and the Alliance; But now, even with a shaky armistice at hand, there is a lull in the fighting - finally, we can begin to regain our strength.”
Greetings Argent Dawn!
The Silver Talons are an upcoming Elven-themed adventurer’s guild, now seeking fellow Thalassian Exiles to join them on the road! Composed of a band of eccentric exiles from various backgrounds and lifepaths, weary from war and continuous bloodshed, the Silver Talons have come together to seek kinship with their fellow Thalassians and provide a place to belong regardless of past affiliations. We are an unaffiliated company outside of the military and loosely organized, banded together under a mutual idea rather than institution. Our IC goals are to preserve Thalassian culture in the short term, aiding the scattered Elven diaspora that is exiled from Quel’Thalas, and to take whatever steps we may towards an eventual reunification of our splintered race in the long-term, holding a generally reconciliatory view towards the Sin’dorei.
- What is this guild about?
First and foremost the Silver Talons are based on the principles of a wandering adventuring guild, with a core focus being on rich, engaging plots and story. As an Order whose members have former affiliations to Quel’thalas, it is our duty to see to the well-being of the wrongfully ‘exiled’ children of the High Kingdom, and as such we seek to provide a place for diverse Elven figures to act out their ideas, stories, and develop as characters, tackling themes such as the splintering of the High Elves and the relationships and families torn apart by the split, reconciliation and tension with the Sin’dorei, the aftermath of the Fourth War and its effect on the Elves, and the future of the exiled Thalassians .
All in all, we aim to represent and capture part of the spirit of the Thalassian remnants living outside Quel’Thalas; Scattered and wandering, small and disjointed, but enduring in spite of our downfall and mistakes.
- What do we aim to provide?
We aim to provide a friendly and welcoming atmosphere primarily for roleplay but also other in-game activities. Our goal is to create a guild focused on adventure and stories that we create together based around the exiled remnants of the High Elves, Void Elves, and their unique position in Azeroth. Together we will be hosting various events and storylines led by several DMs and we will also be offering you the chance to host your own events and develop your character as we encourage proactively being part of creating stories in the guild.
In addition, one can expect a rather colourful cast of characters to get to know and roleplay with. From the overly and unnervingly cheerful Shadowmage with an unhealthy fascination for tea and a keen eye for Void research, to the worldly, well-travelled High Elven Dragonhawk tamer whose nomadic lifestyle has left him with a bizarre mish-mash of Azerothian slangs and accents, to the mischievous, eccentric enchantress with family issues and a keen awareness of the failings of the fallen High Elven people, there are an array of serious, to strange, to even more comedic figures to be found in our little guild, hailing from all walks of life.
- Where can we be found?
As an adventurer’s guild, we are always on the move and may thus be found in various locations throughout the Eastern Kingdoms (and, on rare occasions, Kalimdor). When we’re not out on adventures, visiting local lodges and allies such as the Wildhammer Dwarves, we can be found within the confines of Stormwind City, mostly within the Mage District.
If you wish to join the Talons and we are currently not within the city you can contact one of the Council members and they will get in touch and discuss your potential recruitment.
- What is required to join?
As an Elven-themed guild, we primarily take Void Elves and High Elves (as well as the occasional Half-Elf) into our midst. Whilst we do not expect 100% perfect knowledge of Thalassian history and High Elven lore, we would like a degree of familiarity with the story of the Quel’dorei and their offshots, the Ren’dorei and the Sin’dorei. Even so, newcomers to roleplay and those wanting to learn are very much welcome to join our chaotic little family.
We’re looking for eager, engaged members who will help actively contribute to the atmosphere of the guild and make role-playing enjoyable for everyone involved. Character development, storytelling, and generally just having a good time indulging in nerdy roleplay is a core focus of the guild, and we’d like to provide an environment for those who are interested in exploring their character and Elven-centric stories. If this sounds like something that appeals to you, you might just be the perfect fit.
As a side-note, whilst max level is not required to join us, we prefer that you join with characters you intend to bring to max level quickly.
Being that we are a loose coalition with no strict hierarchy, our guild has a fairly simple rank structure.
- The Council - The four leading figures of the group, the council makes and discusses all decisions we make as a guild, both IC and OOC, voting on important matters such as what route we take, where we rest, and the supplies and finances of our venture.
- Talons - These are the Elves who have proven themselves trustworthy and reliable on the road, making up the bulk of membership.
- Fledglings - Newcomers to the guild who have yet to show their capabilities.
OOC Rules:
- No harassment of guild members and other role-players. We’re all here to have fun and if you have an issue with someone in the guild take it up with the officers.
- Keep IC/OOC separate. There will be IC conflict from time to time, but we are not our characters.
- While we don’t expect an encyclopedic knowledge of Thalassian history and lore, we do expect some familiarity with it. That said, we’re happy to help on lore matters and answer questions!
- RL > RP, always. If something comes up and you need to be away for some time, that’s fine! Just give us a heads up.
- Communication is king. We value feedback and want to foster a sense of community, so if you are in need of something IC or OOC, don’t hesitate to ask us!
Interest piqued and want to know more? Contact us through the following channels:
In-Game: Sýrena, Dahenereis, Syrranna, Sunscryer
Discord: IceBell#0145, Thorontir#4898, Akkorick#4472, Azico#0557
Argent Archives: Sýrena