Analysis of DPS week 2

This makes me really sad, how the Devs were thinking that some 5% flat buff would change anything, we are on the same spot as we were in Week 1 only slightly better than frost mage, but the gap between last 3 dps and first ones is unbelievable…

that 5% did literally nothing.

When they finally realize, that its not only damage or gear issues but design issue aswell. Do we have to really wait 3 seasons to have Sin spec playable or what ? (even worse in PvP)

Also i don’t understand why pure dps classes have to be worse than hybrids, who can also swap to tanks or healers. Pure dps class should be doing what is made for and be atleast in the top 10.

not to mention again that the 5% buff wasn’t even applied in pvp…


And we’ll be stuck down there until they rework our spec, which will take quite a long time (I highly doubt they will have anything ready in the means of one or more fixes of our spec by 9.1). Disheartening and depressing as that may be.

I’m so tired of trying to play and enjoy the game, and constantly being hindered because our spec is so damn broken, unfun to play and unrewarding in every sense.

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Why would they need to rework anything? The only thing that is remotely annoying is Slice and Dice upkeep because it messes with the flow of the spec. Everything else is just a numbers thing, because the spec works. There are other specs in the game that need a rework far more than Assassination.

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Not true … Read what the nr 3 best rogue in the world is saying

No it simply doesn’t in its current state.
Apart from low damage, the spec currently suffers from energy starvation, just because of bad devs decisions during Legion with nerfing venomous wounds and removed relentless strikes.

Then you have outdated talents, and pvp talents aswell which wasn’t revised for 4 years…

They returned SnD, but without cut to the chase passive or energy refunds from relentless strikes, it just doesn’t work with the spec. Even if they remove SnD from Sin which i doubt and buff damage, the energy issues will persist, because there’s no more borrowed power that can help you like Lucid Dream or whatever.

And please don’t tell me, that it will be fixed with gear and haste - it won’t. And its not good if you need to wait like a month or two to actually be able to play your class while others have no issues like that.

Another reason for rework is PvP point of view, while the spec suffers from pve issues in pvp aswell, its missing core utility like disarm traps, gouge or dismantle. Also the fantasy of this spec is completely lost…

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Yeah, you probably have a point with the loss of borrowed power. Forgot how much Assassination got carried by it. Assassination isn’t the only spec with a horrible talent tree though. As long as a spec has a set of talents that work I consider it functional, even though it may need a talent rework, which some rows if Assassination definitely need.

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Because 1st top 3 damage of assasin rogue is Melee ( white dmg ). Assasin’ Instant poison and rupture damage way lower than Sub. Assuming Sub got more stronger finishers for Rupture but poison damage is pathetic. Also last talent tree should be more rewarding. RNG bombs dealing pathetic damage and uncontrollable.

yeah its one of the things why assassin’s fantasy is a complete mess, when you’re a deadly master of poisons and bleeds but other specs like sub has stronger bleeds due to better mastery.

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tbh i don’t believe in blizzard, seems we have to forget this spec for the current patch at least :\

You are in top 10. Goal achieved, gz.

Hum… was that even mentionned ? 'Cause I didn’t see anything saying “damage remains the same in PvP” or something. And all other “PvE changes” are in fact game changes, not PvE speciifically so I wouldn’t get why only this one change is inactive in PvP.

It wasn’t mentioned, but it’s a true story unfortunately, I’ve made a topic about it earlier before, but you can see for yourself if you enter pvp instance like battleground or arena, all tooltips on your abilities will drop down by approx 5%.
For example Ambush tooltip outside pvp instance 1789 damage - inside 1700 damage.

I don’t get it either why it wasn’t applied for PvP, because the havoc and fury buffs were… And subtlety’s mastery is stealth nerfed aswell by 6%, that wasn’t mentioned either.

But that’s normal. Assa has an aura that reduces all damage done in PvP by 5%. It got it in BfA S1. Or maybe it was 6%, but I think it was 5%.

It does not mean Assa aura wasn’t increased by 5% accross the board. It just still is reduced in PvP, even after the 5% buff.

Sub Mastery got nerfed to be 60, or 67% effective in PvP years ago. I guess it’s still in effect, but it was mentionned the day it was applied.

Well then, i see no reason why this should be still a thing in SL…

It shouldn’t be a thing especially considering how bad the spec performs. But Blizzard always does this. They don’t revert stuff from an expansion to another.

They do sometimes, but it looks to me like a lazy job performed by some internshipper… They did revert the Vendetta nerf in pvp which was 20% during BFA back to 30% in SL, but they left garrote from subterfuge on 40%…

Such a rubbish. Just because three other rogues have a different opinion doesn’t mean it’s true. Doesn’t matter if it’s top 3 rogues or anything else.

I’ve always played assassination, it’s in my blood, but the fact that we rank near last in single target is sad, we are always pretty lacking in mythic+ and out ST was our only redemption, and now we suck at that.

EU 3v3 PvP perspective right now.

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