Anduin cinematic look

was anduin from the cinematics created by a female completely out of touch with the ingame cinematic?

its weird. its like two different studios did that face without knowing from the other .

anyone knows which studios made that stuff or was that all in-house by blizzard which make it more akward then.


I thought they attempted to make him look more mature, the boy king as to grow up some day, you know.

Why a female? :thinking:


Cinematic Anduin is made using a realm human actor. So the face on cinematics is animated on top of the actors face.


Is it just Anduin’s appearance you object to? I mean, Sylvanas has a totally different skin colour in the in-game cinematics Vs the fancy fully rendered cinematics…


MoCap Andy is Geordie Holibar

She also seems to be switching between bit chubby cheeked looks to this hollow cheeked skinny girl.


The babyface is uncanny valley to me. He looks like a six year old (which is scary on a basic level) with a too square chin (which I personally dislike, too american style for me). It just doesn’t fit.

In the more animated version he looks normally mature, and has the face of both parents. For me that works a lot better. I really dislike “perfect anythings” because it feels so fake, and again, uncanny valley to me. Like zappy looks waaaay too human, which is extremely uncanny to me.

Making everything look ‘real’ only results me noticing how off it is. Better keep a stylized look.

In fact she looks like she’s perfectly alive. Would be fun if they went out of their way to make her move in certain ways that you’d expect from undead, or make her move like you wouldn’t expect from living people, to emphasis she’s dead. Maybe have her skin turn green in places.

Have her lose a hand and some Igor stitch a new hand in place, something like that. Her being annoyed she can’t handle her bow like she used to with that hand, therefore leaving it behind and going for magic all together.

Dammit! There’s so much fun stories to be had with undead but they just go for the edgy waifu that accidentally is dead for special powers but looks alive for the boys story line.

edit: even wizard of oz had this “many heads” lady, and that story is for little kids.

editedit: Actually her being able to stitch on new parts would make her scary hard to kill. That could actually have been her true power. Half her head shot off: just gets a new head. You slice her torso in half: there are now two sylvanases because both parts get a new part. You want overpowered undead material? There you go.

What if there are now many sylvanases, and everytime you burn down one part of the soul that inhabits flies back to another sylvanas, meaning you have to kill each and every sylvanas to force her into the last one, which you burn as well in a fight. Then you get to fight her final banshee form. Would be a nice story leading up to a raid boss. Could have a haunted mansion raid (going with the xpac) where many sylvanas mobs reside.

I agree, i also get uncanny valley from that version of Anduin.

Like for example turn into purple puff of smoke and fly! Or maybe have her eyes… oh wait… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: But on serious note yeah i now what you mean.
Here is interesting pic of how Sylvanas model has changed over the years.


didnt know they modeled him from a real guy, explains a lot :100:

yes its the same with sylvanas, on the picture above she looks good compared to the uncanny thing that absolutely doesnt fit.

what happened to the good oldstyle cinematics sigh

I personally hope that if there is a time gap between BfA and the next expansion he is portrayed older and with perhaps a different actor. Like you say he has to grow up.

He looks terrible in this cinematic, I wonder why they changed his face. His father was treated the same way, seems to be a genetic streak hue hue hue…

It’s not only in this. It all started with the Cinematic where anduin massress while crying infront of Undercity :stuck_out_tongue:

I suspect limitations of the in game models; it’s noticeable Jaina and her mother use the human female face as a base.

To me the true sylvanas is the 3rd model of her like in Hots

You can tell Samwise has been working on HotS, those models have all the right juiciness. As opposed to “family friendly” WoW.

Out of interest… is Anduin’s cinematic model based on the same guy as the main protag from SW Jedi The Fallen Order? :thinking:

Might just be me, but when I watched the trailer, I was like “wtf is this Anduin?” :smile:

might be a ea studio, would explain a lot :smiley:

Completely forgot about that second one!

Anduin needs to grow a beard like kratos.

Imagine if alliance has a leader like kratos.

Looks similar indeed. Anduins actor is, like Lucydiamond mentioned earlier, Geordie Holibar. Not seeing that name in full credits of Jedi Fallen Order so i guess not the same dude.

Me too (until i found and saw that pic that is)!

Blizzard needs to go full mode SF2 HF select screen Guile with Anduin. Even have him randomly stand up in the throne room and comb his hair.