Anduins abduction

Thank you this and also this

Greymane turning against Turalyon for the seat of High King is not in-character at all. Not only does Greymane ultimate accept Anduin’s decision (if I am not mistaken), but he is also very loyal to Anduin and would understand that causing internal conflict in the Alliance for selfish desires is not the right way.

But Anduin is not that passive! He had the guts to free Saurfang, an active move decided by himself against what the rest wanted. He is, as far as we know, also responsible for Dazar’alor (though Jaina led the attack). Making him a king that is like “no, let’s not do anything” is out of character. If you want to highlight his flaws, that is not the way to to. Perhaps insecurity and betrayal (as he may be too trusting) would be better, not passivity.

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And that streak is not something that could fuel conflict? Deciding by himself to free the enemy general that planned the War of Thornes is certainly not something that had no risk of angering anyone. (By the way, freeing prisoners of war without talking it through was a pivotal plot point that led to great conflict in Game of Thrones).

I don’t care how you see his character. Usually every character has flaws. But even if you think he has none (which is a problem in itself), exactly that can spark jealousy and spite, and lead to conflict. There isn’t a possible character that can’t be hated by others - if the writers want them to be. And the point here is that the writers seem to go to great lengths to avoid exactly that.


You seem to have some misunderstanding regarding this thread’s premise.

The whole point is about the writers taking Anduin out of Azeroth’s picture and the brewing conflict that seems to be happening offscreen within the Alliance, and taking it to a more “contained” narrative environment such as the Shadowlands, where he can be sheltered from all the off-screen issues that could be told regarding the rest of the faction.

And you’ve answered it as if the characters had any say in any of it.

You have no points at all if your answer to “Writers seem to be positioning Anduin in some fishy place”, is “Anduin moved himself there”.


And you’re assuming there will be internal conflict of the Alliance on Azeroth in an expansion called Shadowlands, centered around the Shadowlands, which Anduin will leave once it’s concluded. Furthermore, considering how Anduin remained behind in the Maw to cover your escape, the Maw being the most dangerous place in the universe at the moment, saying that Blizzard “put him in a safe zone” is quite laughable.

I literally just corrected his mistake, don’t know what’s so hard to understand or why you’re making this so complicated.

(By the way, freeing prisoners of war without talking it through was a pivotal plot point that led to great conflict in Game of Thrones).

Yeah, because the one who freed a prisoner of war in Game of Thrones was not the almighty king of the kingdom in which the prisoner was kept.

Besides I don’t see why any Alliance should complain about Anduin’s decision. Saurfang died anyway, and at least before dying he avoided another Siege of Orgrimmar. It was a win-win.


Alliance fans ; Horde is the favorite, they’re soo Lucky with all this inner conflict and drama…the Alliance is so boring and stale, Always reacting, never acting…
Also Alliance fans; No, that’s bad writing, he and him would never do that! Totally out of character and everyone agrees with everyone and is super loyal!

pls, as if a little ‘bad writing’ ever stopped anyone, when I make that argument for the Horde, it’s conveniently never the case.

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Corrected it for you. Furthermore I personally can’t wait for inner conflict within the Alliance.


I agree with your correction

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Honestly if you look at Alliance leaders like Tyrande,Malfurion,Jaina,Genn,Velen, and Moira they have all made mistakes. They all had to make some difficult decision here and there, except Anduin…The OP is completely correct with his premise, the writers are throwing the entire burden on Turalyon’s shoulders and we know that Anduin won’t be blamed similarly to how Thrall was barely blamed for Garrosh in Warcrime/WOD/MOP.

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Not to mention there’s plenty of room for tension there aswell, with those Void Elves, vs Lightforged, or even vs the Night Elves really, because I can’t see the Night Elves like Void that much, neither mind that they are defected Blood elves too.

Or the Dark Irons, Moira being almost killed by Anduin’s father, the Worgen being supposedly wild and hotheaded.
Shame really, so much potential for having some good tension stories within the Alliance and adding more depth to it’s races and how they view and ‘tolerate’ eachother, or even come at odds.


From what we have seen in BFA, the Night Elves and Worgen are definitely not gonna sit idle and play nice anymore.

Except I never said the first thing, and if I did I changed my mind, but okay.

Tension for the sake of tension is bad. If Blizzard do not have a plan, they should not start any drama in the first place. Otherwise, that is how you get Garrosh 1.0 aka Garrosh.

Perhaps this was not meant for me but I cannot help but feel it was, as I did use the out of character arguments.
You misunderstand me , if so. I am not against there being drama in the Alliance. I understand that in hopes of establishing and defining the relationships between different races, some tension should exist.
My point is that tension for the sake of tension is ridiculous and, taking into consideration Anduin’s personality, it would not be easy to create drama on his part, therefore if Blizzard points the drama to Genn/Turalyon/Tyrande (though I doubt she’ll be involved in this one), I am fine with it and actually support it. Another thing I’d like to highlight is that I know Anduin has his faults. He is inexperienced for now, too trusting and even insecure in wanting to live up to certain standards when his strength lies elsewhere. If Blizzard explores his flaws through that way, I am all for it, he is not perfect. I simply do not wish to see retcons or drama that is forced.

Also, I’d appreciate it if everyone kept the rudeness and ironic comments regarding myself and my opinions to themselves. Let us remain civil while sharing our opinions and thoughts.

Let us be real, most suggestions of drama in the Alliance… are very bad. Probably because most of them actually come from Horde players who do not have any clue how storytelling actually works, so they would have Anduin randomly turn into Reborn Arthas in like 1 day, all the while Turalyon would start simping for Yrel because they are both yellow.

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Yes, but once again, Anduin doesn’t have to start a fight to be part of it. But for that to happen, someone would have to want to fight with Anduin. Someone would have to dislike him, or his policies. That’s not something that is incompatible with his character, and there are plenty of characters that could reasonably come into that position, if the writers wanted it.

And it would be the obvious way to go, if you wanted conflict within the Alliance. He is the leader, after all, any serious conflict with him would be a fight that includes the whole Alliance by its very nature. That’s why they did it twice with the head of the Horde.
But even if the conflict started between lesser leaders like Genn and Turalyon, if the conflict was serious enough, Anduin would, as leader of the Alliance, take sides and possibly create an enemy on the other side.

But they are actively refraining from doing so. They seem to be setting up a conflict within the Alliance, that explicitly doesn’t require anyone to dislike or disrespect Anduin. They can do that, of course… but considering that “everyone likes them” is a quite central characteristic of Mary Sues, and Anduin’s status as one is often debated… it does play into one side of the argument, doesn’t it?

I personally just hate how Anduin sets the moral standards, and everyone else follows his lead. Yes, I want conflict within the Alliance, but if that doesn’t touch on the moral leadership behind it, it’s a lot more of a hollow gesture than it could have been.

And of course, some of this is based on speculation. We don’t know if much will come of the supposed Alliance conflict. Usually less than hoped for. And Anduin’s inclusion in the characters that join us in the Maw might just be, because he has a unique and important role to fulfil there, that requires him especially.

But I hope you see that there is room to be a bit more cynical about the situation. We tend to be, on this forum. :wink:

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That is indeed worrisome, because if inernal conflict kicks in he should’ve been one of the people to be adressed about Alliance problems.

The constant support for Horde, the treason against Night elves for releasing a man who orechestrated War of Thorns, the sheer incompetence in BoL.
And likely there would be more. So it would be deeply upsetting if he got scott free for bs he represents.

Oh don’t be so touchy, this was not a personal jab against you, it was just a generalisation of something that comes up on the forums every now and then, I have grounds for making it and here it was again.

There’s no need to retcon anything about Anduin, just the fact that he’s always right, well, and perhaps that Holy Bones feature should probably also go…I mean, who ever thought that was an exciting and interresting feature…

Drama for the sake of drama is bad yes, Horde had to deal with that in BFA abd Cataclysm/MoP.
Retconning characters is bad yes, the Horde had to deal with that in Cataclysm/MoP and BFA…but mostly Alliance players thought that was fine and everything was as it should be…and now at even the thought of that knife cutting back the other way…but Horde players do 't know anything about good writing, apparantly.
Good writing is Horde bad vs Alliance good- Horde does some warcrimes for no reason out of the blue, Alliance does some stuff, forgive them- and now we’re all buddies.

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this is actualy something I was thinking of, we know Anduin and many others got stuck in the maw, Turalyon beein in charge now, but what happens if days becomes years, before Anduin returns or us for that matter.

Turalyon is doing anything for the Naru as we know, so what if one Naru tells him to open the darkportal to Draenor again, and let in Yrel and her light army, Turalyon then joining her, and when we come back, Azeroth is changed, Light has taken over to the extent it can not be good anymore.

What would Anduin do, who is left to resist the light, could even take illidan back again then, would there be an alliance or horde anymore eighter, there would be lots of potential to some great story telling then.

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I wonder if you’ll listen if an Alliance player then argues in favour of intra-faction conflict. :laughing:

In my head, it’s not so much that Anduin is being “removed” from Azeroth when tensions are high so that he can conveniently never is a factor for faction problems. I understand it’s way too late to complain about something like this… but I feel BfA shook up a lot and really questioned the faction divide. It’s evident there’s leaders who are debating if they should keep fighting for the sake of fighting and treat the other faction any less respectably. Baine and Anduin are very representative of that. And previously we had Jaina/Thrall.

The problem lies in the constant denominator that no matter how much someone breaks status quo, people who do still believe in the divide have to hang their heads and forgive and forget. As Bolvar Fordragon says in the Shadowlands intro… there are more pressing matters than getting back on the other side that inflicted losses on you. Revenge and retribution are bad yes, but the story is skipping onto big blow after big blow and wanting to return from it unscathed, unaffected.

Alliance is being painted as “we do nothing wrong, we are merciful, turn the other cheek” more vigorously than ever, and there really are tons of sore points that could be utilized and built on better. But it’s all about the meta narrative now.

There is lots of potential to be had in elaborating on the possible chaos that could ensue with faction leaders missing. Let’s hope at least something unique comes out of it… and doesn’t get forgotten as if the leads just hopped into Shadowlands like a quick trip to the outhouse.