Rofl , small indie company at its best ! … i see Microsoft aquistion made 0 difference
what about an update blizzard?
… I got almost no patience and certainly NO understanding of Blizzard anymore. Nothing to thank for here - just do your testing before releasing stuff
do US realms have bgs while EU dont ? it this true ?
EU Anniversary BG’s are down due to BG’s sharing realms with SOD servers. This bug no longer exists on US servers after server restarts earlier, but apparently they forgot to apply the same fix to the EU servers …
As a software developer I’ve been used to the golden rule: NEVER RELEASE ON FRIDAYS, but that rule never reached Blizzard - or they just don’t care.
Most devs are now home for weekend so a fix will take longer to implement. But at least they won’t spend time testing the fix - seems they stopped with testing anything some time ago
i cant believe it tbh, i just cant believe they would fix on US and not give a fk about EU, that is just outrageous.
Hello BGs Please!!!
no bgs yet, devs still sh itting themselves
There were bg’s, but the same darn thing happened again, AV Merged with SoD and people were buying boons yet again… so yeah… thats what happened now one day later…
And i bet more “casual” players dident know and bought them from AH again.
Of course, people need to get banned for this you have people that are just bragging about selling hundreds if not thousands of boons to people, and then reinvesting that money etc, the damage is just huge and its clear that if people go to the vendor and have bought more than just for personal use, and posted them on AH or traded them instanty, it was done maliciously to make a quick buck, you had people selling these sod chronoboons for 10+g too just to go below regular boons, and without an AH addon you wouldnt notice that they go under different item ID’s. The longer this goes, i sure hope that this doesnt go unpunished, there are a handful of people that for sure needs to be banned and gold wiped, shouldnt be hard to identify these people who purchased this unique ID Of items from vendor, and then follow the money.
The damage isn’t huge… Money wasn’t created from this. Money just moved hands. Same economy is the same…
There is no BOOKS that were traded. NOTHING was traded…Yes there is scrolls on the AH, however do some research… Those scrolls drop from things INSIDE AV on SoD… They can not be activated or worked in Classic.
Yes US had their server restarts for maintenance. EU hasn’t but has told everyone when we are having our restarts. It will be fixed in due time… If you are this angry over a video game, I think you need to go outside and look at the real world.
Exploiter that probably sold those very boons spotted ^^
Maintenance scheduled for Saturday, January 18 between 3:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. PDT that will correct an issue with Battlegrounds on Classic Anniversary realms. During these operations, the game will be inaccessible.
More like how does it affect any of us in anyway?! It doesn’t at all. My game does not change because bob is now short 100g and Frank now has an extra 100g or whatever. There is no change at all to the game we play, but just whining in the forums. If someone has an extra 100g hell say even 1000g. How does that affect my gameplay honestly? Someone is maybe 100g richer than me. Why the hell do I care?
Lets be real, a fair few of the folk who are angry are those who bought them off the AH gambling. Not all, but id bet a decent % are.
I personally don’t care cause there will always be people that have 1000s of gold more than me even just using the usual legit ways to farm gold. If those chaps exploited a bug however (and exploiting a bug is a breach of the ToS) then they should get the ban hammer. It’s as simple as that. Plus I don’t look kindly at scammers and those “smart fellows” are scammers.
A blue post on the NA forum claims that Boons are going to cost 1g after the hotfix and the SoD boons can be exchanged to Era boons
(post deleted by author)
Unfortunately, i bought 30x Chronoboons 45gold, from some one name Gudalik warrior human female, and now i cannot use the chronoboons, i will just vendor it …