Anniversary Realms Battleground Update

bb, server is closed, see ya in real life

the reason seem pretty obvious though: timezone. Regardless of how much people seem to hate blizzard - while still paying for sub? - devs are human beings who may make mistakes just like everybody else, including you.

I’m glad my 2 hour dungeon got ruined by a 15 minute warning out of nowhere!

Let me get this right, they took 10 minutes for the fix and they waited 24 hours to implement it?!?

P.S: and once again we got shown how Blizzard couldn’t care less if you exploit stuff.
It’s almost getting boring :yawning_face:

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(post deleted by author)

I hope you saw Baroque’s post, according to a blue post on the US forum you will be able to exchange the SoD boon for an anniversary one with no additional cost :slight_smile:

…and we all thought “rollbacks”, “all the gold removed”, “exploiters gonna get banned” :rofl:
They implemented a patch in less than 10 min and that’s it :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: