Annoying fog in DS

what is this weird fog in dragon soul that often makes someone’s game unplayable and has to ideally relog, go back to capital city, leave the group, reload, reset ui, delte cache and often not even this helps?

what is thaaaaaaaat?


It’s a bug.
Just another Blizzard moment.
There used to be a certain level of polish to their products, those days are over.

This fog was used when you run far away from boss area to edges of the zone like in first Assassin’s creed games when your character run “out of memory sync” area because Desmond’s ancestor was never been there in the past.

But it now breaks all the time due to poor testing. BTW this weather effect also break in Twilight Highlands and it get very shrouded on one player screen, while other has everying as normal.

Usually it gets temporary fixed by reentering the raid.

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