Anonimity, stalking, "friend lists" and etc in World Of Warcraft

Big implication there, implying the people who don’t outright believe what others claim on these forums are guilty.
But see the thing is that can go both ways, because I could say that you getting outraged and throwing those accusations around like that sounds like you are trying to over-compensate, or maybe shine the spotlight on others to keep it from yourself. Am I right? Is it what you are doing?

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“It doesn’t happen to me so it doesn’t exist”.

You do realise that like in real life, not everyone gets stalked. In fact, very few end up stalked. Same can be said about ingame stalking. If you ever do encounter stalking, you won’t think so lightly of it anymore.


I’m not saying it doesn’t exist. I’m saying that the people it happens to generally fit a certain stereotype of - to me - unlikeable people that aren’t as innocent as they make themselves out to be. Yes you can technically say I’m victimblaming. Mind that I’m talking about in-game here, where ‘stalking’ is borderline impossible anyway. It’s a completely different story IRL and one that shouldn’t even be brought up here because it’s not comparable.

during BFA I was camping Orgrimmar (completely by myself), and guys just remembered me because i was an icon i guess.
If thats what makes me a prick then fine be it. I got really thick skin in general, words nor actions rarely affect me.
The reason i wrote the thread is because i was bored, i was never bitter or anything, im just a critic, im the same IRL.
I find this being an issue, so i wanted to hear others opinions, i mentioned many times in this post that its nothing out of proportion.
Its just my stance is: this should not be possible. For people to stalk you.
And if we have to be real this was only one example, and maybe I shouldnt have used it, since i got many better ones but I thought i will get stigmatized because i RP,
I got people whom I RP’d with and stalked me too.
Hope you put the effort to understand what i am saying and stop looking for underlying BS. I promise you -there is none.
Im not a victim, I dont post this because I feel like a victim, i post this mainly because I think its an issue for softer people, children and women.
And @Michieltjuhh-doomhammer you can call me a “certain type of person” or a prick or a liar or whatever, the fact that its possible to stalk someone IG heavily is a FACT, thats the main point of the post and my position is simply that I personally am against it and claim that its a design flaw.

I lost an igame friend to ingame stalking. At first she was able to maintain contact with some of us, but staying in touch with us got the stalker on to her again. She got help from Blizzard, but ended up cutting all bonds to get away. This wasn’t about griefing or annoyance, but a person who got obsessed about her.

That said, a griefing type of stalker can also get obsessive. It does take quite some dedication to follow someone around for months and years, and spend so much of their own time tracking down someone whenever they are online. I’d argue there is something mentally wrong with a person doing that. Any sane person would stop after a few times mocking or griefing someone, but that’s not really stalking either. Stalking is when it gets obsessive and goes on and on(which indicates mental issues). You don’t want one of those on to you, not even in a game.

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‘‘Deep calm breath’’ Yes… yes i am over compensating. I am not at all just pissed at people for victim blaming and assuming things. While hypocritically hating people for doing exactly that all the time them selves. Assuming things

Sorry about my first response.

I agree Blizz should have fix this.

IF someone want to add you as the b.neet tag to accept or decline.


Oh sarcasm. Another thing people use when they don’t have actual arguments. Honestly I don’t believe you are some perv trying to push other pervs forward, just one of those typical forum white knights. Anyway, point being, don’t make remarks like that. Let people be skeptical before you charge them in your white knight armor. It’s all I’m saying. People have a right to take anything posted on this forum with a grain of salt. And certainly don’t need some white knight going at them every time they do so.

Hey be skeptical all you wish for. But there is a difference when someones being skeptical and asks questions. Or just outright assumes everyone who speaks out and asks for help are liars being cynical and callous. I am not saying that happened here. But the girl who spoke out here the other day for example is a good show off that.

I can tell the difference between somebody who is being skeptical and curious. And someone who replies like the ‘‘victim’’ touched a nerve by sharing their experiences with cynical assumptions or callous replies. (Not you. But others i saw in that thread)

you are probably right in that I am a white knight. And that I make way to many implications. Some second reads trough my comments and I can see what you mean… I am going spikes out and being way to sensitive to guys when its uncalled for.

For that I can only apologize. I must have some Andrew tate ptsd.

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Blizzard with WoW has always been shockingly/appallingly negligent on the privacy point. Just consider how realistically impossible it is to not expose all your alts. The setting for character-only achievements is by default disabled on new chars, but much worse, the simple feature of removing battle pets instead of replacing them (or even more distant - having different teams on different chars) doesn’t seem to exist, and so your battle pet team is always a dead giveaway as soon as you don’t leave it untouched anymore.

And, yeah, one-sided friendlist tracking with online status and location info is outrageously bad, too.

The damage is done, has been long ago, so apparently it is official policy to only begrudgingly follow legal pressures and such. (Which is probably what led to the bnet account privacy settings offered these days, and even there is it worth noting that the launcher keeps bugging you to not appear offline by repeatedly asking you and not allowing a never-again option.)

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Welcome to the real world.

No. Either report the players and have blizzard investigate/punish them or opt out of the system.

I see you are a staunch defender of anti-privacy principles.

i did opt out, i did not know i could do this, and i did that so stop repeating it like im some sort of cretin, if u red as much as you wrote you would notice my problem is not only my own, and the said problem is that sharding works different for Rp realms and its no problem for someone to add YOUR CHARACTERS (NOT YOUR BATTLENET) and see your location and when youre online and haras you be it via pvp, spaming emotes, throwing random toys, renaming their pets as this other persons character to annoy them or simply gasslight others like these guys do to some other players in Goldshire in their TRP profiles but thats stretching into a bigger problem that i do not want to discuss, this topic is simply for the unsolicited “friend” add.
Adding someones characters does not send a request like Battlenet friend request add does btw in case you didnt red that part.
Now please sit down we got what youre trying to say.

I have been harassed and eventually Blizzard had to intervene, then it stopped.

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Is that done with your white knight powers or something else? Cause it’s not intuition. Nobody is that intuitive. No, let me tell you what’s more likely, you don’t like that person because he says things you don’t like, or he said something you in the past you didn’t like, so start making these wild insinuations to make them look bad. VERY bad and maybe even make yourself look good.

Honestly I would have reported you for making that claim.

I am actually that intuitive. Because I am maturer than you. Just as my intuition can tell me your just actually a triggered incell going on a forum rampage looking for fights for the past couple of days since the first harassment thread. Thats not an insinuation but a observational fact. Your just getting triggered left right and center going for the throat for people.

I am sorry you don’t know the difference between what skeptisim actually is like in a mature setting. Compared to when somebody is being cynical and callous. See what I am being now? Thats spiteful for example… I am disregarding any previous closure and chance at discussion with you and going straight for the attack back.

You wouldn’t be the first who couldn’t handle what I say, And you wont be the last.

Oh I know that’s what you tell yourself. You blow smoke up your own rear thinking you are some kind of forum detective when in reality you are just another angry little white knight who gets upset at any post that is not in accordance with your dogma. You single out people with opinion you don’t like and create villains out of them so you can have at them and seem, what? Heroic? And all that time not even considering you might be wrong or might be embarrassing yourself because you are just that intuitive and mature.

I know its hard to accept that people can disagree with you and answer back on public forums. But I am not the one who attack people for disagreeing with me. I have shown several times in previous discussions i can concede when I am wrong. I can leave a discussion and admit i have made mistakes.

You on the other hand are making several insinuations and assumptions just cause you can’t handle disagreement. When its ironically exactly that you say you hate in other people.

By the way… No one cares how much you don’t like talking to us. There is the door :door:

What exactly gave you that idea? I don’t mind if people disagree with me, hell, if I’m wrong about something I’m thankful to anyone who points it out. Unlike you I don’t think I’m some kind of intuitive superhero.

All I told you is that you are acting like a white knight, which you are, textbook level and to stop accusing people based on your own fictive evidence. And you got so upset. Even called me an incel.

Who’s us?

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and this offends you as a trigglypuff? over some toys and pets.