Anonimity, stalking, "friend lists" and etc in World Of Warcraft

nope none of you are worth it


Lol!!! You keep making snide little comments about me :woman_shrugging: you just don’t like it that I will snap back at you and you don’t get away with hiding behind your lil classic alts.

I know who you are, so does half the forum and we all think it’s hilarious you’ve gone to these lengths and for what? :joy: it’s just a forum… go outside, find the green stuff and touch it!!

omg you know who i am?

so proud of “snapping back” now that is hilarious :roll_eyes:

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escalate to the level of law enforcement, at minimum to the point that Blizzard is forced to cough up the subscriber name to either the police or civil prosecutors.

Once you have the name…only you are the limit.

addendum so that it doesnt sound as belligerent lol: these ppl are generally weak af. Not a fully developed person, subhuman or halfling if we’re being generous.

If you indicate you can reach them in some way or another, things will most likely stop, because now the shoe is on the other foot. They become the hunted. The all-allowing feeling of being untouchable is gone and it will wreak havoc on their patheticaly developed cranium.

Thank you very much I did not knew about this. Just changed it right now in settings because of you I found out about this option.

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"If you are afraid of getting stalked why are you on internet?.. "

Just go back to the paladin forums please :smiley:


What does paladin forums has to do with me

you’re an infomous ret paladin troll Zerøn, go troll some other thread.
I gave you enough attention already.
thats the last reply you gonna get from me.

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Oh infamous! you flatter…

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I fully in agreement with this.
I’m facing an issue of being constantly stalked and harassed by someone, as the person in question abuses/exploits not only out-dated mechanics that allow to stalk but also some unknown exploits to help figure out new alts.

API must be turned OFF by DEFAULT to begin with.
Pets that we assign, must be allowed to be DE-ASSIGGNED.

This is absurd.


Didnt you hear the gentlemen?
Youre responsible for enabling stalking behaviour onto yourself. xD
God forbid we all agree on something we already agree on and proceed to the only possibility of a positive change, instead of arguing semantics and strawpicking the given situation/example.
Am i rite ? :smile:


I think I just met this gentlemen. Truly amusing…

This argument is pointless and doesn’t address the whole situation or provides any form of actual feedback, opinion or thought. It’s just … eh. (of what this ‘gentlemen’ talks about).

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