Another 5% BUFF in WOTLK CLassic WILL DESTROY this game completely

I am in denial Blizzard INDIE AntiExperts will destroy this game!!!
aprox 8 Months before end of expansion, to make game THAT MUCH Easier is a DESASTER.
This 5% buff was mistake aswell, let alone 10% or more???!!!
The best feeling in the game by far is progress and its done fast enough by most guilds. I mean most guilds are already 10/12 or 11/12 … JUST ONE-TWO Bosses left!! Making game easy just so ALL Horrible and Average players can perform is a complete nonsese. This shows that Blizzard does not care about quailty and playability but to DUMB DOWN game to that extent that even mentally disabled can play. What a fail!!! Want us to keep playing for 8 months and pay where game is so easy and on farm??? Not gonna happen. I am OUT.
I know dozens of people in my guild alone who will abandon this game and never subscribe again because of this catastrophic mistake.
I am so disapointed they are failing this much.
I would understand if this happened 2 months before next Expansion, but EIGHT months?
Fix this or whitness your own demise Blizzard.

who cares about classic


A) Who cares about classic.

B) i have so much deja-vu about this… same people complaining for the same reasons (ICC 30% buff) as in 2010.

Well guess what? That 30% buff did not destroy the game in 2010, it wont do it now.




Speak to the NPC and turn it off? What is the issue?

If you want people to care about this, you need to post in the classic section of the forum.

And even if he did, I doubt people would care anywais.

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Perma timewalk.

Who cares about woltk - blizzard flushed it down the toiled when they said there will no longer be woltk classic servers (woltk era). I stopped playing wrath the moment they announced this, although I really love wrath.

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