Another Fix BG queues topic

You are not forced to re-roll… you can pay for a server transfer to pve server.

Why don’t you get a 2nd account and grind lvl70 while you are in que?
You will hage enough time for that :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Cool to compare a ALL Horde problem with a “little of pvp server only alliance ( and even there just in very few servers on some its opposite) problem” Which already has cheap to Buy solution Server trans. But we cant fraction change or anything right now

Can anyone translate this into English please?

Hello. I am playing Alliance. Why do people come with stuff such as “constantly ganked” “never world pvp objectives” and and and?? That is not a Horde problem that is a Server problem.

I play on Firemaw and we have Objectives as often as Horde and are pretty even. I do not care about horde having to wait an hour but please stop that nonsense as it’s your Servers and not the whole Faction issued.

I don’t really get why some people are actually happy that the horde queues are so long, guys we are playing the same game, if we are having more fun in the game it will positivly impact everyone in the game, it doesn’t matter if you are horde or alliance. If a lot of horde player quit you will be the people with the long queues.

Today i queued 11 hours of BGs and only got 8k honor with a winrate of around 90% ( i only lost 3 games ) and im lucky that i have that much time right now, some people are working and they only have like 2-3 hour a day to play the game.

It’s crazy how some people don’t see the problem here :confused:

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Just because you get victimized on your server doesnt mean a whole faction cannot play the game, at all.

Your points are meaningless.

You do realize all of this is not random? It’s not like I was unfortunate and chose a bad server? It’s because there are more hordes than ally, meaning more players want to do a certain thing, yet they have a limited pool of opponents. And please don’t bring the “factual numbers from” into the equation, because we both know they are not accurate.

Just because we are playing the same game does not mean we are enjoying the same game features. If a horde player quits it means less competition for resources in the open world, and less chance of encountering pvp when I’m not looking for pvp. If the same horde player instead gets superior pvp gear faster, it means the competition gets thougher and I may have to spend more time to achieve the same in game results.

No. If a lot of horde players quits the game, the horde queues will get shorter, and faction balance will even out overall.

Today I queued 0 ours of BGs, and I will continue to do so for the rest of season 1. I have in my possession a grand total of 1 item bought with honor, and a bit over 1k honor which I have accumulated through a bit of world pvp. Believe it or not, I’m still able to play the game.

You think it’s crazy that people see different problems? In that case, I would call you the crazy one.

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Im playing on Lucifron-EU, It’s a horde only server so i didn’t really think about servers where actual open world pvp is happening but being this competitive about resources is too much don’t you think ? I don’t want an advantage in anyway i just want some fairness and right now i don’t get that. Alliance players are fully geared for arena while i got like 5 pieces even tho i was queuing double the time.

That right there is literally happening right now for horde players.

So you come into a thread about pvp when you don’t care about pvp ? makes no sense to me, i am still able to play the game too but my main focus is pvp and if i have to put that much time into it to actually have a chance while the other faction only needs a fraction of that time it’s no fun for me and many other players.

No i don’t think it’s crazy that different people have different problems but to be so ignorant about other peoples problems IS crazy.

And all the Queue problems for Horde players can be solved by rerolling alliance.

Is commenting on these threads your full-time job? lol


20 characters.

Re-Roll Alliance.

Horde are more than comfortable telling Alliance to go to a PvE realm which permanently locks them out of experiencing World PvP to fix their problems.

You are not permanently locked out, You just have to have more patience than a toddler.

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