Another HUge Nerf on Holy Paladins?

Can u stop nerfing the Holy Paladins? Like all phases we where unwanted and now finally Holy pala shines and u guys nerf em. I get it that you want to balance PvP but now you nerfed Beacon too? come on…


It’s a great phase to play Holy paladin, i mean look at everything we got:
No new set bonuses
A nerf to our healing while moving and spothealing(which were already our weakest points)
A nerf to tank healing(which was our only strength)
Oh yeah and it seems our only 6-pc set bonus was fixed to no longer heal the group if you heal someone already at full health(further reducing tank healing)
Oh and i almost forgot, we get a great new epic weapon with a proc that does nothing for us

They really REALLY dont want us to heal do they…


I think nerfing any healing spec is a bad move. Idk understand why they nerfed pallys to be hobest. It was a good tsnk healer but they lack aoe heals. It wssnt to op etheir?

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A comment from the NA Forums by “Mizore” who explained this very well and why it’s a terrible idea

Buff shock and awe spell damage by 100% and nerf beacon into the ground, lmao. They continue to double down (literally) on shockadins to the immense detriment of HPal.

None of these devs have played HPal and it really shows. They are just looking at wclog as if that translates to how fun it is to play and how the majority of paladins perform in raids (hint: the definition of being high parsing is that it represents less than 10% of the playerbase :upside_down_face:).

The Beacon nerf is way, way worse than it seems. And if they knew the nuances of how the classes in their own game worked, they would have known how bad of an idea it is.

Here’s the deal. The benefit of Beacon of Light is that I can have it on a tank, and regardless of incoming tank damage, provide my maximum single target HPS benefit to the tank by healing anyone else. For periods of high tank damage where they need strong HPS on them, I can swap to HL / DL (having a cooldown feels awful by the way, it is the clunkiest thing) on whoever else in the raid and I can feel confident the tank is getting my full attention by proxy.

Now, with the nerf. Healing another player no longer provides my highest HPS on the tank. For any period where tank DTPS is high and they need max heals, I now have to hard target the tank to provide max HPS, who already has my beacon, which means every single one of those heals does not bounce to anyone. My HPS is cut in half because the ability design requires that I directly heal the target who bears my beacon, effectively removing the ability from my spellbook for the duration.

This same issue exists in Cata right now: Beacon only bounces 50% of most heals, which causes the same issue of losing beacon healing when needing to hard target the tank when they are getting chunked. It feels clunky and horrible in Cata too, but it’s slightly ameliorated by the fact that healing your beacon target directly generates Holy Power which you can then spend on WoG or LoD. It makes up, a little bit, for the total loss of beacon bouncing heals when needing to hard target.

But here in SoD? Holy Power doesn’t exist. There is no mitigating reward for needing to hard target your beacon target. You just lose half your HPS any time a tank is taking heavy damage.

The 25% nerf, while seemingly a simple quantitative reduction, actually fundamentally alters the playstyle of the class/spec, and will result in way more than 25% less healing from beacon. It will probably be more like 50% and at the same time make us much less reliable at keeping anyone else alive when we’re forced to hard swap, which is the weakness of holy paladins that Beacon was CREATED TO SOLVE.


It feels strange, i was playing all the day and it seams worst that expected, also seams that t1 6 pices bonus doesn’t procs every time

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Idk why they are so bad mate, like exatcly what u said, they just look at wcl and say " OH WE NEED TO NERF"
They added CD on DL, i would say ok its fine lets move on, they added a CD on a HS on crit cuz it can be to OP if u dmg with it on PvP, and ofc they didnt thought about Hpala using it to heal, they only instand heal that we have for PvP mostly and thats over now. We need to cast all our Healing and now they nerf Beacon so hard (AND YES you are SOOO right on changing our playstyle cuz we cant trust the MT heal now, its not about the 25 or 50 % healing reduction)

All other healing classes got their insta healing or shielding spells.

No words.

Devs, for once in your life, play your game.

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Have never lost so many ppl in one raid today, Like you guy´s said they just look on the god damn logs. Hpala has been sh*** for 4 phase ´s and soon as we get good they are like dogs with the nerfs. They dont even read forums like they say. Cmon blizz play your own game or atleast open your eyes…The class feels like a stranger to me now GGWP.

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Finally made the spec fun and within a few months made it absolutely dog again… well done aggrend you absolute mouth breather.

If I wanted to be a battle healer, spamming judge and cs offensively, Id play cataclysm. Theres a reason why people play sod instead and you just shat on it… congrats.


PLZZ blizzard read the forums, omg its so *** paladin again

Its not healthy when the meta is stacking holy palas

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You’re absolutely correct, which is why it was good that that wasnt the case.

Go and try Gehennas or Shazzrah with 3 paladin healers and tell me how it goes


stop making things up