We can say with certainty at this point that pretty much all hunter runes were a failure.
Lion and beast mastery are still the best runes and very boring to play.
Chimera shot is the rune that makes more sense than any in hunter but it is just another instant shot which i am pretty sure it will get nerfed if MM ever becomes a thing.
Kill command is another failure, since after the nerf it kills pet diversity and tbh it is also very boring and kinda like a passive.
Flanking strike is just another mellee hit and the hole raptor strike mongoose bite thing is pretty much useless.
and the rest of the runes aren’t even worth mentioning.
I am pretty sure the gameplay of hunter is 100% the same as without runes and we discovered nothing.
Currently the hunter remains in vanilla, he has not yet set foot in SoD.
Runes? AoTL makes all other runes useless and it’s just a % of stats.
Chimera shot/carve/ES? Useless compared to BM even after the next nerf, that’s how much crap it is.
The leg runes… well you won’t even see the difference with or without them.
Result? Vanilla hunter with a slightly more powerful pet. And above all an army of mourners who will not stop complaining about the hunter even after the 36 nerf because he will have managed to kill them while they were afk.
ah now i got it . we have to go back 20 years to play the “new” version of the game!
20% is not BM . it is MM
It is what it is.
You can be angry over nerfs all you like, but they will keep coming simply because some semblance of sanity needs to be preserved.
IDM if they actually fix stuff but they keep pushing people toward some specific specs!
thats not the way to keep people in a remade game!
Keep pushing towards specific spec?
That being BM, I assume?
Your Mother is a dirty…
Nerfing a stupidly OP class that can do 150 DPS by AFKing.
Don’t argue with Zerezas, hes not a smart person.
Sorry, not everyone can be a big thinker like you are, apparently.