Another nail in the coffin for gameplay visuals

Since I’ve mained Survival since I started playing in Shadowlands, I’ll just mention a couple things we’ve lost since then. But this has been the case for a lot more specs, including Shadow Priest and Feral.

A big part of class fantasy is feeling powerful when you play your class. Visuals then do matter a lot. When a Paladin pops wings, you don’t need to have a weakaura screaming in your face to notice it.

But with how many different procs, passives and abilities that come without a clear animation, having excessive addons is vital in PvP.

This time, for Hunter, Butchery and Chimaeral Sting (visual) is lost, making the Serpent Sting animation completely removed for Survival spec.

A recap of cool things we’ve lost since Shadowlands:

Flayed Shot
Arctic Bola
Chakrams (Shadowlands, BiS) / Death Chakram (Shadowlands) / Death Chakram (DF)
Serpent Sting
Harpoon pull animation (now it just looks like you’re throwing out your fishing rod, pathetic)
Chimaeral Sting animation (on PTR, I’m 100% sure this is how it’s gonna look on live)
Explosive Trap animation (there is literally none)
Wildfire Infusion aka RBG bombs (current bombs are beyond bland)
Mongoose Bite in PvP (the sweeping cleave animation looks cool during Aspect of the Eagle, but gets old fast. Getting a 5 stack Mongoose Bite off in DF just shredding people felt too good).

I’m sure there are more cool things, but these are what I got from the top of my head.

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