Another one - the Eternal Mage Tower!

Mage Tower… make it permanent please!

Let players go there when they feel like it and not feel pressured.
I want to do it on alts i never played (except during lvling and 1 shotting old content), so i need to “git good” with them as well.
2 weeks isn’t enough :frowning:


Yep the best solution for everyone or make it available every week when timewalking is up. So you can relax 2 weeks before doing it again also perhaps make it a bit easier for the casual players like reducing the health of some of the mobs. I feel like my spells are not doing enough damage to adds on the twin mage tower challenge.


i think u all deserve a longer break from it, imo its fine as it is, this is what makes it special, and sadly what makes ppl qq and cry and this and that, best to keep it as it is. most health thing for blizzard in the long run. just see how much ppl care about it!. if was up all the time ppl wouuldnt care at all, same thing if it was easy no one vould care.

Gj blizzard u made mage tower in general a good thing the way it is.

No…players would do it at their own pace, not hurrying up to fit within the small time window that it’s on.
Blizzard doesn’t need to limit players, it’s what happened at the start of this expac with limiting us to covenants, how did that turn out?
Yeah… another reason for players to leave.

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if they only are here for mage tower, they will return!

look at it as a another reason to resub, if mage tower is the only thing some pppl care abouut.

I said another reason, just another brick in the “i don’t care about wow anymore” wall that gets piled on by bad decisions by Blizzard.

well if its another reason to unsub, then its also a reason to sub. so i guess it evens out. have a good night every one, had my time of forum for today. gl!

Absolute and total insanity, where do you pickup such crazy notions

Yes… because it’s easier to re-sub than to un-sub? Keep thinking that players are gonna resub every 3-4 months just for 1 reason. lol

From outside of totalitarian type regimes. :smiley: i kid i kid… or do i? :thinking:

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Hear me out. What if, just, what if, they occasionally, once in a while, made some new bosses for it, with some new skins to collect, and then players would see the new things, and resub for that.

In case people haven’t seen, they’ve extended it to 4 Jan now.

However I do agree that it’s a pretty poor system to only be up on the relevant time walking.

Almost nobody is going to wait half a year for one small gimmick

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