Another rant about this topic again

Please go here now for a more up to date thread on the same subject.


ye this is disgusting . pls blizzard get a gm and ban def them all zzzzz

blizzard should use spies and infiltrate all this boosters , and ban all theses 225 ilvl players :slight_smile:

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Not seeing a rant here. Where is the rant?

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The pictures are the rant, I don’t need to add anything else to this to make my point.


Pictures do not qualify as rants



v. rant¡ed, rant¡ing, rants

v. intr.

1. To speak or write in an angry or emotionally charged manner; rave.

2. To express at length a complaint or negative opinion: “He could rant on the subject of physician-assisted illness” (Paul Theroux).

v. tr.

To utter or express by ranting: “Adams’s fellow Federalists ranted that he was mentally unfit to be president” (Susan Dunn).


1. Angry, emotionally charged, or tediously negative speech or writing: a speech that was more rant than reason.

Nice that you made them aware of this phenomenon, I am sure a GM will hop online right now and give out a round of bans for everyone.


I do not see “posting a lot of pictures” in the definition!

When they don’t even have to hide it because Blizzard won’t do anything against it anyways…

Good times. May as well scrap that rule.

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Probably have more success with /y. Red letters stand out more than white.

Does this not qualify?
I have expressed my negative opinion at length in a form of media I felt fit.
Anyway, i’m not changing it, so keep it on topic please.

You reminded me I had one of these going as well :+1:t4:


I didn’t see yours until just now sorry, would of posted in there if I had rather than making yet another topic on this, great minds think alike and all that though.

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Make raids or gearing easier and this problem goes away instantly.

If you can do raids without having to think´, Just make them into giant bullet sponges.

Go in, kill, reward, repeat.

No need for “Boost” as it would be mindlessly simple.

Or add ways to get Heroic & M+15 quality gear outside of group content.

Otherwise people will pay to get good gear easier to avoid struggle & wasting time.

Why join a guild to progress for hrs several times a week just to keep wiping on HC denathrius and never getting the kill, when you can just jump into a sell group and be done in 10 mins?

It’s called Looking For Raid.

This is an MMORPG, not a single player offline game

That gives 184 ilvl… so not worth the time, and LFR is not safe from wipes.

This is an MMORPG, not a single player offline game

The people who buy boosts seems to think that it is.

Stop trying to gate-keep people from gear.

So your suggestion is to give every single person max ilvl gear for faceroll content that can be done within a day of hitting max level? What do you do afterwards?

That is what people get from getting boosted, so i don’t know what would change between such a system and now?

What do you do afterwards?

Add other ways to progress.

I don’t understand this at all, can you help me out here?
You want everyone to be max ilvl within 1 day with faceroll content, then afterwards you suggest other ways to progress? Progress how? if everyone has max ilvl how could you progress past that?
Anyway, i’m /out of this conversation now, either you’re trolling or just not understanding :stuck_out_tongue:

You never get gear instantly, Took me roughly 6 weeks to gear up my new alt to 220.

Take a look at games like Black desert or Blade & soul, they have systems in place where you always progress.

Also i agree that you “Don’t understand this at all” that is why i’m trying to explain it to you.

Going “lalalalalalala i can’t hear you” is not going to help you understand it better.